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Your Weekly Horoscope for 9-15 of December

The festive season is in full swing! Between bustling holiday preparations and the occasional cosmic curveball, this week offers moments of clarity and growth. With Mercury finally going direct in Sagittarius and a revealing Full Moon…

Pluto in Aquarius – AI Paranoia

On November 19th, 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius for a 2-decade journey through the sign of innovation, transformation, and social progress. Aquarius, co-ruled by Uranus, is a future-oriented sign. Its air element and collective nature…

Mars Retrograde in Leo-Cancer 2024-2025

On December 7th, 2024, Mars goes retrograde at 6° Leo. Mars stays retrograde for nearly 3 months, with its retrograde motion concluding on February 24th, 2025, at 17° Cancer. Mars only goes retrograde once every 2 years, so when it…

Spiritual Baths as a Nightly Ritual

It’s hard to look and find moments of peace and introspection amidst hustle and bustle. After a day filled with work, social responsibilities, and endless to-do lists, it’s natural to feel exhausted. It’s easy for mental and spiritual…

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