Astrology Of February 2025 – North Node Conjunct Neptune


February 2025 brings major energy shifts. Planets change direction, move into different signs, and just when we think we have a grasp on things, something else shifts.

One of the biggest changes this month is Mars finally going direct in Cancer. It’s not that Mars retrograde is inherently bad – there’s a time for revisions and fixing things up. But if all we ever did was revisit the past, we’d never move forward.

The most significant transit of the month is the exact North Node-Neptune conjunction at 28° Pisces.

Lately, life may have felt very Aquarius-like conversations centered around AI, the role of technology, stock market fluctuations, and global networks.

But North Node conjunct Neptune is the big Trojan horse hidden in a misty cloud – or the elusive white rabbit pulled from a magician’s hat.

Things are happening behind the scenes, quietly reshaping the world – whether we’re aware of them or not.

Neptune is often associated with spirituality or art, but that’s a narrow interpretation. Neptune is about deep, systemic reconfigurations.

Neptune is dreams – this is when our brain gets rewired. Some information rises to consciousness, while other information sinks deep into the subconscious. In the same way, shifts are unfolding globally, beneath the surface.

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:

north node conjunct Neptune

February 4th, 2025 – Jupiter Goes Direct

On February 4th, 2025, Jupiter goes direct at 11° Gemini. Jupiter is principles, belief systems, and the broader code of conduct, while Gemini is information, communication, and broadcasting.

When Jupiter stations direct in Gemini, we can expect big announcements – “this is where we stand” or “from now on, THIS will be the rule.”

Gemini is a factual, data-driven sign, so this transit may bring clarity on important topics as new information emerges or as the results of past research and investigations finally come to light.

February 7th, 2025 – North Node Conjunct Neptune

On February 7th, 2025, the North Node and Neptune meet in an exact conjunction at 28° Pisces.

Any transit involving two slow-moving astrological archetypes is significant, and this one is no exception.

North Node conjunct Neptune is a crucial transit – even if it might not seem obvious at first. Both the North Node and Neptune are elusive energies, yet you can bet that deep shifts are unfolding beneath the surface.

The North Node speaks of pivotal, karmic developments, major turning points, and new evolutionary pathways. At a collective level, the vast Piscean waters are rearranging reality behind the scenes – through new trade agreements, hidden negotiations, or large-scale policy shifts impacting the collective.

At a personal level, North Node-Neptune activates a particular sector of your chart, stirring up an “I have a dream” type of energy. You may feel drawn into uncharted territories, stepping into a path that feels more aligned with your deep spiritual purpose.

February 4th, 2025 – Venus Enters Aries

On February 4th, 2025, Venus enters Aries. This is a very important ingress because Venus will retrograde in the sign next month, reactivating the same sector of your chart that it did 8 years ago, during its March-April 2017 retrograde.

More about Venus in Aries and the upcoming Venus retrograde in an upcoming article – stay tuned!

February 12th, 2025 – Full Moon In Leo

On February 12th, 2025, we have a Full Moon at 24° Leo. The Full Moon is square Uranus in Taurus; the prideful Leo Moon is at odds with the unpredictable Taurus bull. Things may blow out of proportion if egos run high.

The balancing act comes from the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, bringing a much-needed dose of objectivity and level-headedness.

February 14th, 2025 – Mercury Enters Pisces

On February 14th, 2025, Mercury leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Mercury is brilliant in Aquarius – as long as logic, objectivity, and innovation are the focus. But if we want romance, heartfelt compassion, or poetic expression, Pisces is just a more natural placement.

This shift invites us to think with our hearts, embrace intuition over analysis, and communicate with emotion rather than logic.

February 18th, 2025 – Sun Enters Pisces

On February 18th, 2025, the Sun enters Pisces. Happy birthday to all Pisces out there!

Pisces season is that liminal time when we tie up loose ends and reflect on the lessons of the past year, making sense of the 12-month solar cycle before a new one begins.

On March 20th, 2025, we step into a fresh astrological year with the Sun’s ingress into Aries – but until then, Pisces season invites us to surrender and trust the unseen. As the Little Prince reminds us, “what’s essential is invisible to the eye”. 

February 24th, 2025 – Mars Goes Direct

Hip hip hoorah! On February 24th, 2025, Mars finally goes direct at 17° Cancer, putting an end to a ten-week-(too)-long retrograde period.

Are we done with the Mars-Pluto opposition? Not quite. But Mars, now direct, has clarity and purpose – it’s ready to move forward. 

The sector of your chart/life ruled by Aries will finally gain momentum. The forward movement you’ve been waiting for is here!

February 25th, 2025 – Mercury Conjunct Saturn

On February 25th, 2025, Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 20° Pisces. 

Want to understand Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces? Think Edgar Cayce, the mystic known as “The Sleeping Prophet.” While in a sleep state, Cayce could discuss history, geology, metaphysics, and philosophy – how Mercury in Pisces is that?

Mercury drifts into the unconscious when in Pisces, but its insights can be fleeting, uncaptured, much like a ghost.

However, when Saturn gets involved, that psychic, ultra-connective energy finds structure and discipline – giving form to the formless, clarity to the nebulous, and a tangible framework for the intuitive.

February 28th, 2025 – New Moon In Pisces

On February 28th, 2025, we have a New Moon at 9° Pisces. The New Moon is square Jupiter in Gemini and trine Mars in Cancer.

Sometimes, to move forward, we need to take action (Mars) – even when it challenges our existing beliefs. Truth be told, some of our deepest-held “truths” may not be entirely true after all.

There’s only so far we can go with a purely data-driven, science-based, “I only believe what I see” Jupiter-in-Gemini approach. Moving beyond our perceived certainties is not  recklessness – it’s an act of courage.

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