Astrology Of December 2024 – Mars Goes Retrograde


Can you believe it’s December? 2024 is coming to a close, and this month is packed with astrological surprises. 

While we have quite a few planets changing direction this month, the key highlight is Mars retrograde in Leo.  Mars only goes retrograde once every 2 years, so when it does, that’s quite a big deal. 

Another reason why this Mars retrograde cycle is so important is that it is part of the unusually long, 6-month Mars-opposite-Pluto transit.

This is deep, intense restructuring work. It’s my will vs. collective will – as we’re being asked to learn the fine line between standing firm in our convictions and adapting to forces beyond our control.

Mars goes retrograde in Leo

At this Mars retrograde, we may feel powerless if we stubbornly stick to our guns, OR we can use this energy to regroup, readjust, and learn to swim with the tide rather than against it.

December 2024 also features the 2nd Jupiter-Saturn square, 2 mutable lunations – a New Moon in Sagittarius and a Full Moon in Gemini –  that will stir shifting circumstances but also exciting opportunities, and a goal-oriented New Moon in Capricorn just before New Year’s Eve. 

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:

December 1st, 2024 – New Moon In Sagittarius

On December 1st, 2024, we have a New Moon at 9° Sagittarius. The New Moon is square Saturn in Pisces and trine Mars in Leo. The New Moon is also in a wide opposition orb with its ruler, Jupiter, now at 17° Gemini.

New Moons are times of new beginnings – when seeds are planted for the future. 

At the New Moon in Sagittarius, the Mars motivational fuel is there, but we are second-guessing ourselves (square Saturn). 

Should we go ahead? Should we plant the seed? The answer at a New Moon is always yes – because that’s what the New Moon does every month: it gets pregnant with new ideas, new possibilities, and new beginnings.

The seed planted at the New Moon in Sagittarius will require effort and perseverance. It will challenge your beliefs and comfort zone. Yet, it is something that will ultimately help you grow and move forward (Sagittarius). 

December 7th, 2024 – Mars Goes Retrograde In Leo

On December 7th, 2024, Mars goes retrograde at 6° Leo.

This is a significant astrological event because it’s so rare. Mercury goes retrograde three times a year, most outer planets once a year, Venus every 18 months; Mars goes retrograde only every 26 months.

When Mars goes retrograde, what used to feel like the default way of being suddenly shifts. This often translates into a huge wake-up call or a sense of urgency to reexamine your direction and motivations. It’s no wonder Mars retrograde periods tend to be highly eventful.

Many people with an astrology background may try to make a point about not initiating major projects or making bold moves during Mars retrograde, yet they end up acting boldly anyway, because there’s such a sense of urgency about this transit. 

Almost always, Mars retrograde brings a shift in perspective. Even when external circumstances remain unchanged, your inner motivation and approach will shift. 

Shifts in perspective might sound like a Mercury thing, but are Mars at its essence. Mars is the planet of personal will. Mars and Venus are our neighboring planets, so we are influenced by them concretely and directly – more so than the distant outer planets.

How this might look like for you of course depends on your natal chart, but also on the more generic aspects, like the current Mars-Pluto opposition. For more details, keep an eye for Astro Butterfly’s Mars retrograde guide closer to the date. 

December 7th, 2024 – Venus Enters Aquarius

On December 7th, 2024, Venus enters Aquarius

If we used the phrase “Don’t hate what you don’t understand” in the context of Pluto in Aquarius, the Venus in Aquarius equivalent might be “Love what is different.” 

Venus in Aquarius is a forward-thinking Venus – highly inclusive, and naturally drawn to what’s quirky, unique, and defies norms.

During Venus’ stay in this sign, we have the chance to get a taste of this energy: embrace something different, explore the unconventional, or approach familiar situations from a fresh angle, with a more open-minded attitude.

December 8th, 2024 – Neptune Goes Direct

On December 8th, 2024, Neptune goes direct at 27° Pisces. 

If you have planets between 27-29 degrees (in any sign, but particularly the mutable signs of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius), this is the last time Neptune in Pisces will touch and activate those points in your chart.

Neptune is in its last degrees of Pisces. We won’t have much longer of Neptune in its domicile sign – so let’s make the best of it. 

As it changes direction, what is Neptune in Pisces whispering to you? What magic, invitation, longing, subtlety, serendipity, or dream is it trying to reveal?

Many associate Neptune transits with illusion, but there’s much more to Neptune than that.

Yes, a Neptune transit might feel like an illusion if we judge it solely from the 3D perspective. If we dream of a unicorn, Neptune in Pisces – or any other planet, for that matter – won’t magically deliver it to our door.

But that’s not what Neptune is here for. Neptune is here to infuse us with a sense of possibility, a vision, a feeling – something that can lead us to places we’ve never been before.

What is Neptune in Pisces whispering to you, like a mermaid calling from the sea?

What does its foggy presence ask you to stop holding onto – because it’s outdated, irrelevant, or no longer serving you? What distant dream or forgotten memory does its mist stir within you, inviting you to explore what could be?

December 15th, 2024 – Full Moon In Gemini

On December 15th, 2024, we have a Full Moon at 23° Gemini. The Full Moon is square Neptune in Pisces. Mercury, the ruler of the Full Moon, is in Sagittarius, about to turn direct. Unexpected turns of events may initially leave you confused, making you second-guess your options. 

The Full Moon in Gemini reminds us of the 7 of Cups Tarot card, where someone stands in front of different cups floating on a cloud. Each cup holds a different item – like a dragon, jewels, snake, or a castle. 

These Full Moon in Gemini options can be the “shiny object syndrome” OR real opportunities – ones that may not initially look like what you thought you wanted but turn out to be great solutions or workarounds to problems or areas where you felt stuck. 

The Full Moon in Gemini is an invitation to reconsider your options and explore new perspectives. Remember that Gemini is a dual sign.

Every decision or scenario has another side to it, and your perspective might shift when you consider the opposite view. Sometimes, what seems like an illusion can be even better than the real thing.

December 16th, 2024 – Mercury Goes Direct

On December 16th, 2024, Mercury goes direct at 6° Sagittarius, just in time for the holiday season. 

This has not been the easiest Mercury retrograde; Mercury formed tense aspects to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter in Gemini. Lifestyle changes, unexpected travel, or other disruptions may have tested our adaptability muscle.

But we’ve made it. Yes, as Mercury moves direct, it will again pass through the same area of Sagittarius that squares the planets in Pisces and opposes Jupiter in Gemini. BUT – by now, we know what needs fixing. We know what we need to do. 

December 21st, 2024 – Sun Enters Capricorn

On December 21st, 2024, the Sun enters Capricorn. Happy birthday to all Capricorns out there!

This is that time of the year when we naturally become more retrospective, take stock of the past, get organized, and regain our mojo and determination to move forward.

December 24th, 2024 – Jupiter Square Saturn

On December 24th, 2024, we have the 2nd Jupiter-Saturn square at 14° Gemini and Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn, the social planets, remind us of larger societal and structural themes. The square is unlikely to affect our holiday mood, but it may interfere with our long-term goals or logistical plans.

There’s been so much mutable energy this month, so it’s not like we’re unfamiliar with the ‘winds of change.’ But this feels a bit different – more structural. There’s a growing awareness of the moving pieces and the foundational pillars in our lives that need an upgrade.

If in December you’ve found yourself thinking: “Damn, I got stuck in traffic again and was late for work,” or “I couldn’t make it to my friend’s birthday because she lives on the other side of town,” or “Why is everything so inconvenient right now?” – perhaps what needs to change is not just the details but something deeper and more structural.

Maybe it’s time to consider moving to a more practical location. Or finding a job that aligns better with your lifestyle. Or reassessing your priorities altogether. The Jupiter-Saturn square will bring awareness to what truly needs changing – the foundational moving pieces that dictate all the smaller details of your life.

December 30th, 2024 – New Moon In Capricorn

On December 30th, 2024, we have a New Moon at 9° Capricorn. What perfect timing for New Year’s resolutions! 

More often than not, the New Moon in Capricorn occurs after Dec. 31st, which means that our New Year’s resolutions are seeded during the Sagittarius lunar season, rather than the Capricorn one. This explains the enthusiasm – but also the occasional lack of practicality and follow-through.

However, when we set our New Year’s resolutions during the Capricorn lunar season, we are much more likely to achieve them.

The New Moon is almost unaspected, apart from a wide-ish sextile to its ruler, Saturn, now at 14° Pisces – we have free will, with just enough support from structure and discipline to guide us forward.

December 30th, 2024 – Chiron Goes Direct

On December 30th, 2024, Chiron goes direct at 19° Aries. Chiron’s change in direction and the New Moon in Capricorn are an invitation to break free from the status quo and do what needs doing. 

Chiron is often associated with healing, but it’s more than that. Chiron is that dull ache in our soul that questions our narrative and pushes us to seek something deeper, more meaningful.

The timing of Chiron stationing direct just before the new year couldn’t be more fitting. This is an opportunity to leave the past behind, let go of what 2024 brought, and start again.

Just as Chiron is half-human, half-God – a bridge between the mortal and the divine – we too are crossing a threshold. As we step into the new year, we have the opportunity to create something more meaningful and aligned with our deeper purpose.

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