Aspects In Divisional Horoscopes By Roshan S


Article by Roshan S

मध्वमानस पद्म भानु समं स्मरा प्रथमम् स्मरा |
“Meditate on that Hari, who is the sun which blooms the lotus mind of Shri Madhvacharya” –
Sri vadiraja teertha.

Astrology is an Ocean and all the astrologers are trying to cross this by their own ways. Sometimes torrents of rain and thunderstorms lead us astray from the truth. Not using aspects in divisional horoscopes is one such storm.

Maharishi parashar explains in bits and pieces with regards to aspects in divisional horoscopes.

In Arishtadhyay: chap 11.40
He specifically shares a rule which can be further stretched to other family members using appropriate karakatvas “Father gives up family and becomes ascetic or dies. If sun in mars navamsha, aspected by saturn.
(Ref shloka: Bhaumamshaka stithe bhanu)

The same pattern he says it again where in
Visheshadhanyogadhyaya :43. 29
Where Shlokas 28-34 Is connected.

In Stri jatakadhyaya : 82. 50-51
If the woman’s birth be the rising sign of Venus and Saturn, and if Venus and Saturn aspect each other, or occupy each other’s navamsha, she will be afflicted with too much lust and she will subside her fire of passion with the help of other females acting as part of male.

Ref shloka “Methamshastho mitho “dhristo” sitarki va sitarkshake”

From phaladeepika:

Mantreshwara, the writer of phaladeepika in 18th chapter of his book, gives volumes of details on what results a moon will give if it is aspected by a particular planet.

from chapter 18.12-15
“for example, moon occupying the navamsha of mars and aspected by sun the person will be a watchman of the city, but if the same moon is aspected by mars the person will be fond of killing”.
Interestingly the writer goes on explaining in shloka 16 of the same chapter
Here i am citing Subramanya shastri’s translation of phaladeepika :

“what has been declared here as amshaphala due to moon being posited in amshas of sun and other planets should be understood to be the effects derived from the navamsha division. The effects that have been declared as resulting from moon in several signs being aspected by various planets should be stated as applying in the case of dwadashamshas also”
Here “yat phalamuktimindostad dwadashamshasya phalam hi vachyam” is been stressed upon.

It would be commonsense to conclude using all these points of references that you must you the aspects in navamsha and other amshas (divisional horoscopes).

Some examples:
Here I’m using the phaladeepika principles in horoscopes.

Benazir Bhutto
June 23/ 1953
16:25 karachi, Pakistan.

Aspects in Divisional Horoscopes

moon in sign of mars aspected by venus and Jupiter

Phaladeepika: 1.the person will be wealthy 2.the person will be king
We know that she was prime minister of Pakistan and she was wealthy,
however affliction by rahu ketu has lead it to corruption

Amitabh bacchan.

October 11/1942

Aspects in Divisional Horoscopes

moon in the navamsha of mars aspected by by mars and Jupiter
phaladeepika: 1. miserable life even though he’s wealthy
2.He will be devoted to his duty.

In what way he will be miserable? this should be investigated through the rashi chart. The devotedness for one’s duty is very much visible through his acting on screen.

Albert Einstein
march 14/1879
11:30 am
ulm, Germany

Aspects in Divisional Horoscopes 3

moon in the sign of Saturn aspected by sun
phaladeepika: person will have limited number of children

Albert Einstein had three children: Hans Albert, Eduard, and Lieserl.

Lieserl Einstein: Born in 1902, Lieserl was Einstein’s first child with his first wife, Mileva Marić. Very little is known about her, and she is often overlooked in discussions about Einstein’s family. It is believed that she may have been put up for adoption or died young, as there are no records of her later life.

Hans Albert Einstein: Born in 1904, Hans Albert, often called “Hans,” was the couple’s first son. He became a well-known philosopher and professor. His relationship with Einstein was somewhat strained, especially during Hans’s youth, as Einstein was often preoccupied with his work.

Eduard Einstein: Born in 1910, was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his early adulthood, which led to a troubled life. Einstein was very concerned about Eduard’s mental health and tried to support him as much as possible, but the distance caused by Einstein’s work and the family’s circumstances made their relationship complex.

According to my theory we must combine the nakshatra and as we know navamsha shows the nakshatra padas too. so if we employ nakshatra and nakshatra padas along with this method of observation, we could come up with dazzling results.
For other divisional charts I would suggest to use the devatas attributed for specific amshas mentioned by maharishi parashar in brihad parashar hora.

Ref: brihad parashar hora: transl by Girish chand sharma.
Refer: phaladeepika: translated by v subramanya shastri.
Ref: my own notes based on my learnings in Sanskrit.

Shri krishnarpanamastu

About Author: I am Roshan S., an aspiring astrologer training in the Kerala system of astrology and an initiated Vaishnava in the line of Madhvacharya. With a background in electronics engineering, I combine analytical thinking with spiritual insights to help others navigate their life paths. I am dedicated to bridging the gap between science and spirituality through the wisdom of astrology.

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