Adam Driver’s horoscope – Astrology School


He’s starred in three Star Wars movies. And more recently in the acclaimed movie, Marriage Story, along with Scarlett Johansson (whose horoscope I wrote about here). Famous movie Director Martin Scorcese says Driver is “…one of the best, if not the best, actors of his generation.” So what does Adam Driver’s horoscope tell us?

Adam Driver's horoscope
Pic of Adam Driver by dstuff9. Creative Commons CCA BY-SA 2.0

Driver was born on the 19th of November, 1983, at 12:34pm in Fontana, California. considers this data very accurate (‘AA rated’).

Using the above birth data, his horoscope looks like this:

Adam Driver's horoscope

One of the most significant signatures in his horoscope chart is what astrologers call a ‘bucket’ layout. This is shown by the green arrow, above. This signature is fairly rare. But what does it mean?

It means one planet (or point) is like the handle of a bucket. And every other planet or point in the chart are a long way away from the handle.

In Driver’s case, the handle of his bucket is his Moon in Taurus. Which tells us emotions (Moon) and a sense of consistency, predictability and endurance (Taurus) are pivotal to what makes Driver tick. If he is “feeling good,” (Moon) then everything else (all other planets) will be reasonably manageable.

The handle in a bucket chart is the crucial point in a person’s horoscope. It has a lot of “say,” and a lot of influence.

Fortunately for Driver, his Moon is in a sign (Taurus) it is happy in. Taurus is the astrological sign where the Moon is considered “exalted.” This is rather like being the special guest at a party. Taurus is not the Moon’s ‘home’ sign (which is Cancer), but it is a sign where it feels special.

Adam Driver’s Moon is the only planet (astrologers put Moon and Sun into the planet basket) in his chart in an Earth sign. Everything else is in Fire, Water, or Air. This means his Moon is also an important point of balance and his emotional security (Moon) is his only point where he can feel ‘grounded’ (Earth sign Taurus).

A Stellium in Sagittarius

Driver has four planets (Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury) in the fire sign Sagittarius. Astrologers call such a close grouping a “Stellium.” And a Stellium indicates concentrated energy and drive, in the area of life indicated by the house/s the Stellium occupies. And the zodiac sign involved. I’ve written about other people with Stelliums in their charts – Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and chef Gordon Ramsay.

In Adam Driver’s case, most of the planets are clustered around the Midheaven, and the 10th house. This indicates a focus on “career,” status, reputation. And it says he is someone who likes to be centre stage. Furthermore, there are two interesting combinations within his Stellium group.

Adam Driver's horoscope

The first one is Jupiter conjunct the South Node, shown by the purple oval, above. This conjunction combines expansion, optimism, grandeur and hope (Jupiter) with Driver’s traditional “talent” or skills he was born with (South Node). It seems “natural” to him to be out there on centre stage (Midheaven). He’s familiar with it (South Node).

But funnily enough, astrologers often argue that the South Node is what we are meant to move away from in our lifetime. It is the North Node we need to embrace, to grow and mature. Driver’s North Node is in Gemini, in the 4th house of family and home. It indicates he should be also aiming to learn to communicate (Gemini) on the home front (4th house). Although that isn’t something that would instinctually seem “right.”

One famous astrologer once joked that the South Node is like chocolate. And the North Node is like tofu. What he meant was that while we enjoy the South Node side of life, we also need to aim during our lifetime to be more North Node-ish – even if what it demands of us feels a bit awkward. In Driver’s case, this combination says he needs to be more expressive, chatty and communicative on the home front, as part of his life journey.

The second interesting part of the Stellium in Adam Driver’s horoscope is Uranus conjunct (next to) Mercury. This combination combines thinking, speaking and learning (Mercury) with eccentricity and abruptness (Uranus).

Uranus conjunct Mercury indicates a restlessness (Uranus) in the way Driver communicates (Mercury). He will often deflect, change, and adjust his speaking and communication – unexpectantly. And maybe this is a good combo for an actor? He might also be prone to interrupting when other people speak.

Adam Driver’s horoscope: summary

I saw the movie Marriage Story. Scarlett Johansson’s performance was excellent. As for Adam Driver – well, he was ok. But I really didn’t really think his acting was all that good, to be perfectly honest. Maybe that’s because I thought his character was a self-obsessed … jerk?

But there’s no doubt that he had “presence.” And that’s important for actors. Chart-wise, his Jupiter conjunct South Node in the 10th, along with Uranus conjunct Mercury … these give him career qualities that he’s now experiencding. And he has Neptune, the planet of imagination and mystery, also in his 10th house of career.

Which is a great placement for actors, because their business is to “pretend” – pretend to be someone else. And Neptune is a big help on that front.





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