Your Weekly Horoscope Newsletter: (March 17- March 23)
The Mercury Retrograde in Aries intensifies this week, bringing communication challenges but also profound insights. As we move through the aftermath of the Lunar Eclipse, we’re navigating a turning point before reaching the astrological new year.
The Spring Equinox on March 20 marks a significant shift as the Sun enters Aries, igniting motivation and courage after weeks of introspection. Meanwhile, Juno and Vesta both begin retrograde journeys on March 19 and 21 respectively, asking us to reconsider our commitments and what we truly hold sacred.
For a deeper dive on March’s transformative energy, download the SASS Forecast for March. It’s a 32-page PDF report—complete with detailed zodiac forecasts, a cosmic calendar, and a Mercury Retrograde journal—absolutely free!

Eclipse Truth, Mercury Mayhem
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Your fire is back, baby—and everyone’s feeling the heat! The Spring Equinox marks your personal new year, injecting your love life with a much-needed dose of passion. That quiet crush might suddenly become impossible to ignore, while established relationships benefit from your renewed confidence. Don’t waste this cosmic reset on old patterns—bold moves bring surprising rewards now.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Sometimes the fantasy is better than reality, but not this week. Your romantic world takes on a dreamy, almost cinematic quality as Sun conjuncts Neptune. You’re noticing subtle gestures and unspoken intentions that normally fly under your radar. Pay attention to your dreams; they contain important messages about your heart’s true desires. Just watch that tendency to put partners on pedestals. Even with rose-colored glasses, make sure you’re seeing the person, not just the potential.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
That surface-level flirtation? It’s about to get deliciously complicated. You’re craving substance over style, finding yourself mysteriously drawn to people who challenge your perspective. A conversation that starts with small talk could quickly evolve into soul-baring revelations. Let it happen. Venus sextile Pluto transforms casual connections into something far more intriguing this week. What scares you a little might thrill you a lot.
CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
New season, new approach to love and no more hiding in that shell. As the astrological new year dawns, your approach to relationships gets a much-needed refresh. The warming spring energy encourages you to express feelings you’ve been keeping underwater. Someone in your circle sees you in ways others don’t—are you paying attention? The Spring Equinox illuminates your social sector, making this the perfect time to expand your definition of romance beyond your comfort zone. The universe rewards those who dare to be vulnerable first.
LEO (July 23 – August 22)
Commitment issues? More like commitment revelations. The freedom you’ve fiercely protected might suddenly feel lonely, or perhaps a relationship that once felt perfect now seems restrictive. Either way, this planetary shift is pushing you to redefine what loyalty means to you. With Juno turning retrograde, you’re questioning whether your romantic rulebook needs updating. Someone from your past might reappear, asking for a second chance. Before answering, ask yourself: has anything really changed?
VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Stop analyzing and start romanticizing. A beautiful alignment between Sun and Venus brings rare harmony to your love life. Your analytical mind softens, allowing you to appreciate the imperfect beauty of human connection. Someone appreciates your attention to detail more than you realize as it makes them feel truly seen. Create space for pleasure without agenda or expectation.
LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
This week calls for beautiful disruption. The Spring Equinox brings balance to the cosmos—but ironically asks you to embrace a little imbalance in your love life. Patterns that have kept your relationships stuck in neutral are ready to be released. Someone is waiting for you to show your cards first. The astrological new year gives you cosmic permission to ask for what you need without worrying about rocking the boat. Rock it anyway. The right person will appreciate your newly assertive approach to matters of the heart.
SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
That intensity you’re famous for? Channel it wisely this week. You’re naturally drawn to emotional complexity, but sometimes simplicity offers its own depth. Pay attention to whether your investments are being reciprocated or merely accepted. As Vesta turns retrograde in your sign, you’re reconsidering where you’ve been placing your emotional energy. That slow-burn connection you’ve been nurturing might need more oxygen—or less.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Dive deep and own your feelings! Your social calendar fills with opportunities for meaningful connection this week. Someone appreciates your philosophical nature more than your adventurous side—surprising, right? A conversation about life’s big questions could unexpectedly turn romantic. With Jupiter sending favorable vibes, your natural enthusiasm becomes irresistible to those who value authenticity over perfection.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
The control you crave in business serves you poorly in matters of the heart. This week asks you to surrender something you’ve been clutching too tightly in your love life. Perhaps it’s an outdated expectation or a fear that’s been masquerading as practicality. When you show your vulnerability rather than just your competence, someone responds with unexpected tenderness. A powerful Sun-Pluto aspect midweek transforms an established dynamic, creating space for greater intimacy.
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Your trademark detachment is sexy—until suddenly it’s not. Community celebrations and spring gatherings light up your social sector, bringing surprising romantic potential. Your intellectual approach to relationships it’s being challenged by an unexpected emotional connection. Someone sees through your cool exterior to the passionate idealist beneath. They’re not intimidated by your need for space—they’re intrigued by it. Allow yourself to participate in traditions you’d normally dismiss as conventional.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Keep your boundaries handy this week! The cosmic spotlight shines directly on you as Sun meets Neptune in your sign. Your natural empathic abilities intensify, creating almost magical connections with others. Express yourself through creative channels—it acts as both catharsis and magnetism. Music shared becomes an intimate exchange; poetry reveals what ordinary conversation cannot. Just remember: true romance requires reality alongside magic. The Sun-Neptune conjunction intensifies your magnetism while blurring important lines—stay enchanted but awake.
The Wisdom of Retrograde Season
March has become a month of cosmic retrospection. With Mercury, Venus, Juno and Vesta all retrograde, the universe seems to be insisting we slow down and reconsider before moving forward with the fresh energy of spring.
Historical Retrograde Wisdom:
- Ancient Cultures: Saw retrograde periods not as times of mishap but of necessary review—creating cycles of reflection before action.
- Celtic Traditions: Like the St. Patrick’s Day we celebrate this week, saw seasonal transitions as times to honor both past and future simultaneously.
- Historical Marriage Customs: Avoided betrothals during Juno retrograde periods, believing commitments made during such times needed extra scrutiny.
- Vestal Virgins: In Roman times, when the sacred flame (associated with Vesta) needed rekindling, a period of reflection was required before the new fire could be lit.
These retrogrades aren’t punishments but invitations. What appears as delay this week may actually be divine timing—creating the space needed for more authentic movement forward once the planets resume direct motion.