Soul and Spirit Guides: Who They Are and How They Support You


Magical guides are non-physical entities that provide guidance, support, and protection throughout our lives. They can appear in various forms, such as ancestors, animal spirits, deities, or other spiritual beings. Each one plays a unique role in our personal and spiritual evolution. Even though they are not physical, magical guides can sometimes work through people, situations, or objects in the physical world. This can often be recognized in a person’s eyes, an unexplainable familiarity, or a specific event that seems coincidental. It carries a deeper meaning if you pay close attention. If a stranger unexpectedly gives you a heart-shaped crystal, you may intuitively feel that this isn’t just a random act. Maybe it carries the energetic signature of Venus, especially if you just started calling her in. Our guides often communicate in this way. They are weaving their presence into the material world so that we can recognize their touch. Many people confuse soul guides with spirit guides because both offer guidance, but they do so in fundamentally different ways.

Today, we’re going to elevate the discussion around spirit guides and explore it on a deeper level. Let’s dive into the depths!

1. Types of Guides

  • Ancestral Guides: These are spirits of deceased family members who remain connected to their lineage. They offer wisdom and act as mediators between the living and the spiritual realm. However, ancestors are not necessarily connected to the soul itself. They are tied to our bloodline, cultural heritage, and family history. This is different from soulmates, who are part of the soul’s journey across lifetimes.
  • Animal Spirits: Also known as totem animals, these guides embody the qualities and instincts of the animals they represent. They offer lessons that align with an individual’s life journey, serving as mirrors of personal strengths and challenges.
  • Deities and Ascended Masters: These are spiritual figures, such as Buddha or Mother Mary, who have reached a higher state of consciousness. They serve now as guides beyond earthly existence. They provide wisdom, love, and support, but their presence is not tied to a specific lineage or ancestry.

2. Soul Guides vs. Spirit Guides

The key distinction lies in the nature of the soul and the spirit:

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  • The soul is who you are—it is ever-changing, shaped by experiences and growth across lifetimes.
  • The spirit is timeless and unchanging, existing beyond the fluctuations of human life.

This means that what we traditionally call “spirit guides”—such as ancestors, animals, or deities—are actually soul guides. These ones are deeply connected to the soul’s path and evolution.

Soul guides help us navigate the earthly experience. They intervene, offer wisdom, and appear in ways we can understand. Some animals may have a particularly deep connection to your soul, because a part of your soul is that energy. If you feel attracted to cats, and you think that they may be your guide, maybe YOU are a cat in a different dimension. Of course there are many cat lovers, but you as a cat are unique, with distinctive talents.

Spirit guides, on the other hand, exist at a much higher frequency. They do not interfere in human struggles because they do not perceive them as problems. They see everything as part of a greater flow. To intervene, they would have to lower their frequency and fragment themselves into an aspect that we can comprehend.

Example: Venus as a Soul Guide vs. a Spirit Guide

When you work with Venus to attract love and nurture relationships, you’re connecting with an aspect of her energy. That aspect acts as a soul guide, helping you in tangible ways. However, Venus as a spirit is a pure force of love, existing beyond personal desires and relationships. While you can feel her energy, the universal spirit of love, doesn’t intervene in every decision. 

Recognizing this distinction helps us understand why certain guides are deeply involved in our lives while others remain more distant. 


3. How They Support Us

Providing Direction – They offer intuitive nudges, synchronicities, and signs to help us navigate life decisions.

Emotional & Spiritual Healing – By working through ancestors, animals, or deities, they help us release trauma and grow.

Embodied Aspects of Our Soul – Some guides, like certain animals or deities, may be an aspect of our soul, making their guidance feel deeply familiar.

These soul guides not only help us but also reflect aspects of ourselves back to us. Don’t always ask them for help or expect them to “save” you. You should recognize these qualities as strengths you can embody or already possess.

For example:

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  • If a wolf appears as your guide, it may symbolize independence, intuition, and leadership. Instead of relying on the wolf’s guidance alone, ask yourself: Where in my life can I embody this strength? Where am I still blocking myself from stepping into this power?

By viewing guides as mirrors, we move into actively integrating their wisdom into our own being.

4. Magical Tools

The true purpose of connecting with spirit guides is to feel fully aligned with both the earthly and spiritual realms. It’s about realizing that we are already equipped with everything we need to ascend and evolve. Magically pulling a tool out of the pocket when we need it, is totally possible, even if it’s not palpable. While our soul has free will, we also carry a spark of the Holy Spirit within us. We have a reference point, always available to guide us if we listen. We don’t need to constantly search for answers outside of ourselves. Even when we do seek guidance, it’s still a reflection of our own energy and what we’re ready to attract.

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