Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 849


It has rained for almost a week!

I’m getting kinda over it, but Tabs sure would have loved it.

That cat LOVED the rain.

His favorite thing about it? Rainbows. 🌈

Mind you, I also like the rain.

But Tabs didn’t just like the rain. He loved it!

I think what he liked about it was all the movement. My theory is that with his heightened cat senses, he could actually track the falling of individual raindrops.

Rosie, however, is not a big fan of rain.

In fact, she doesn’t particularly enjoy anything about it.

Scratch that — I’m mistaken. There is one thing about rain she agrees with Tabs on.

Rainbows are fantastic! 🌈😺

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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