Pro Body Glow By Armand Beasley Review


[unpaid/sample] It’s great to dip into the world of professional beauty now and again so I was very happy to receive Armand’s Pro Body Glow for review. Armand is a noted make up artist (on the downlow, he’s worked with Goldie Hawn and Nicole Scherzinger, to name but two, and if there is one thing we know about Nicole, it’s that she gleams!) featuring in all our top publications. Pro Body Glow is his own blend of olive oil, Melixir (more on this to follow), Propolis, Beeswax and Frankincense and trust me, your skin is going to take on a next level glow.

Melixir is a special honey and bee pollen fermentation full of minerals and vitamins. It’s obtained without disturbing the bees at all using something called a Flowhive – you never have to even open the hive.

The balm is so soft in texture and I promise you only need the tiniest amount. It’s rare to find a product that truly does make skin gleam – think of Naomi Campbell’s famously glowy legs; never seen without a stellar sheen to them – and I can see why this balm is an absolute favourite of other make up artists who need to up the radiance on models to send them down the runway looking lithe of limb and vibrant of skin. Okay, are you ready?

I was convinced that there was shimmer in it and somehow I’d missed seeing mica on the ingredient list, but no – this is just a next level glisten from the balm alone. I don’t think I know of another body balm that creates this light. Obviously, over time, the gleam settles and you’re left with the softest, softest skin. It’s quite remarkable. Pro Body Glow By Armand Beasley is like Golden Hour for limbs – I’d use it for the softness it creates first and foremost because there’s no catwalk that needs my services but also for dry legs (even chronically dry legs will leap back to life) and creating a holiday gleam on my arms and shins. People will touch you! They won’t be able to help it – small price to pay for the most radiant body skin of your life. It’s £29.99 HERE but I think there is more than a full summer’s worth in this tin. I see there are only ten in stock at Amazon so if it sells out, please message me and I’ll help you.




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