New Moon in Virgo – A Bride with her Veil Snatched Away


New Moon in Virgo. On September 2nd, 2024, we have a New Moon at 11° Virgo.

The New Moon is opposite Saturn and square Jupiter. This is a tense set-up that challenges our beliefs and goals at a core identity level, making us question, “Is this (fill in the blanks) still who I am?”

People are changing, life is changing, and we need to keep up with the times. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to start again, even if you haven’t figured it all out yet.

A New Moon is a new beginning. An opportunity to start fresh with a clean slate. The ruler of the New Moon, Mercury, is slowly waking up from a numbing stationary period. Slowly, slowly, we are getting there.

New Moon In Virgo – A Bride With Her Veil Snatched Away

The Sabian symbol of this New Moon in Virgo is A bride with her veil snatched away”.

new moon in virgo bride virgin

This symbol speaks to the process of unveiling hidden truths and confronting the inevitable loss of innocence.

In the process of individuation, the unveiling of the bride is a metaphor for self-discovery, where layers of the psyche are peeled back, revealing deeper truths about ourselves. This is a time of emotional honesty and confrontation with one’s inner self. Past beliefs are inevitably challenged or shattered.

Yes, the snatching of the veil may leave the (Virgo) bride caught off guard; however, in the transition from illusion to reality, a deeper understanding and self-awareness will ultimately emerge.

Virgo And The Abduction Of Persephone 

The bride Sabian symbol reminds us of the story of Persephone.

The Abduction Of Persephone is a powerful metaphor for the Virgo state of consciousness, highlighting themes of innocence, transition, and the inevitable journey toward maturity and self-awareness.

The myth starts with Persephone trying to pick a narcissus flower. As she reaches out to pick it up, the ground suddenly opens up, and Hades (Pluto), the god of the underworld, emerges on his chariot and abducts her.

Is it a coincidence that Hades abducts Persephone exactly when she is trying to pick the narcissus?

Not at all.

What does this metaphor tell us? The narcissus flower (narcissus – narcissism) is a symbol of our innocent and self-sufficient inner child – Leo.

The abduction metaphor tells us that in our individuation process, it comes a time when we need to ‘graduate’ from the child level of consciousness. We need to go into our inner underworld so we can develop deeper wisdom and discernment.

And from there, and only from there, are we then ready to embrace the Other, as symbolized by the sign that succeeds Virgo, Libra.

Persephone spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 months in the land of the living. This cyclical journey represents a process of regeneration and renewal – it’s what creates life and the seasons.

Without the Virgo state of consciousness, we would live in a perpetual state of innocence and stasis; life as we know it would not be possible.

The ability to reflect and ‘digest’ our experiences is a key Virgo attribute – it’s what helps us grow up and become adults.

New Moon In Virgo – A Rite Of Passage

The New Moon in Virgo reminds us of the inevitability of rites of passage. Seasons are changing. Circumstances are changing. And so are we.

And while we might feel we’re not ready to move on, the New Moon in Virgo is here to assure us that yes, we are.

The New Moon in Virgo triggers the Jupiter-Saturn square in Gemini/Pisces. With Jupiter and Saturn, we are talking about significant lifestyle changes – a complete overhaul of our life.

We simply can no longer stay lost in a fantasy world (Saturn in Pisces) – a world where everything is perfect, but a world where nothing actually happens.

It’s time to burst that bubble, get moving, and face reality (Jupiter in Gemini).

Just before the New Moon, Pluto goes back into Capricorn, and Uranus goes retrograde. Mars is square Neptune.

To say that we are confused and overwhelmed by these energies is an understatement.

Yet, this New Moon has big T-square energy. At the New Moon in Virgo, any action is better than no action.

The wind of change might feel like a gentle September breeze. While the heavy rains and dramatic shifts in weather aren’t here yet, we know that it’s just a matter of time before they arrive.

The clues are there.

At the New Moon in Virgo, tune in and ask yourself:

    • Where is the wind of change taking you?
    • What illusion (Saturn in Pisces) needs to be deconstructed – or reality-tested – so you can move forward?
    • What long-held beliefs (Jupiter in Gemini) need to be actualized?
    • Amid confusion and overwhelm (Mars square Neptune), what opportunities are beginning to emerge?

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