How to Make Essential Oil Bath Bombs Without Citric Acid


Baths are the ultimate cure-all. Had a bad day? Didn’t sleep a wink last night? Just plain stressed? A hot soak is pretty much all you need to start feeling better immediately.

In the past, I used to turn to a glass of wine after a rough day. But I find these days that taking a bath is even better for decompressing and turning my mood around quickly—especially when I can kick things up a notch with an aromatherapy bath bomb.

Want to make bath bombs without citric acid? It's possible! Just use cream of tartar, which you can find at any grocery store.Want to make bath bombs without citric acid? It's possible! Just use cream of tartar, which you can find at any grocery store.

These bath bombs are the perfect mixture of relaxing essential oils, cleansing baking soda, and soothing Epsom salts to help you soak away the stress. But that’s not really what makes them special.

The real kicker is that these bath bombs don’t contain citric acid, so you can whip them up in a pinch, even if your citric acid stash has run dry.