5 Zodiac Signs Who Struggle To Move On After A Breakup – askAstrology


There are some people who really struggle to move on after a breakup. Sure, for most people it is difficult, but eventually, they get over it and heal. But for others, it can take years and years before they can truly let go of the person they were once with. These signs tend to fall hard when they first fall in love, and this is why they struggle to detach from the person they were with. Love isn’t a game for them, it is something they probably took quite seriously and this is why it is difficult for them to let go. Do you think that you struggle to move on after a breakup? Well, continue reading to find out if you make the ranks of the 5 zodiac signs who struggle to move on after a breakup:


Cancer is a sweet and sensitive soul who loves to love and take care of people. They are very shy and protective of themselves so it can take a while for them to open up and trust people, but when they do, they’re all in and they tend to lose themself in the relationship. This is why it can be totally devastating for a Cancer to deal with moving on after they have broken up with someone. It can feel like their whole world has come to an end. This sign tends to get extremely attached to the people they care about.

Cancer is extremely loyal and this is why they get so stuck on the people they once dated. Their so sentimental and love to reminisce on the good memories which means that they are often stuck in the past and struggle to move on to the future. A breakup is absolutely heartbreaking for a Cancer zodiac sign. They really dislike going through it and this is likely why they’re not the quickest to jump into a new relationship, because they know how hard it can be to move on if the relationship comes to an end.  

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Scorpio is a really intense sign that doesn’t take anything in life lightly, least of all, love. When a Scorpio falls for someone, they are all in and want to plunge into the depths and see what they can discover with their person. It is very intense being with a Scorpio! When it comes to heartbreak and letting go after a breakup, this zodiac sign holds on for dear life. It is extremely difficult for them to detach from their lovers. They’re the type of person who wants a relationship to last forever.

They’re very stubborn and convinced that they can make even the most toxic relationships work. This sign realizes that love connections don’t come along often, and this is why they tend to hold on for dear life. They might also become quite vindictive and vengeful after a breakup because they simply cannot believe that it could be over. Scorpio is very controlling and will do whatever it takes to make sure they stay in power. After a breakup, you might see a manipulative side to them as they try to win you back. 


Breakups are especially hard for Taurus. This sign is a Fixed Earth sign, which means that they really dislike change and stability and security are of the utmost importance to them. When anything disrupts their peace, this sign becomes miserable. When a Taurus mates, they mate for life. This sign wants staying power and longevity in their relationship. They want to know that they can depend on their partner forever. So when a breakup occurs, it can be absolutely devastating for a Taurus zodiac sign.

It means that all the ideas and plans they once have come to an end, and this is something this sign really struggles to deal with. They can be quite controlling and hold on to a relationship for dear life, even if their relationship is super toxic, they believe they can make it work or fix it somehow. A Taurus never forgets, so it is hard for them to accept that someone they once loved can inflict so much pain on them. However, once this sign focuses on their self-worth again, then things should start to get easier.  


Out of all the signs in the Zodiac, Leo probably has the biggest ego. This sign has a very inflated sense of self and thinks that they are god’s gift to the world. This is why it can be especially hard for a Leo to move on after a breakup. They cannot understand how someone wouldn’t want to be with them anymore. When a Leo goes through a breakup, their very dramatic side comes out. They will make a scene and make sure that all the attention is on them.

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They’ll bad mouth their ex and start spreading nasty rumours about them just to get revenge for hurting them so much. When a Leo is hurt, it can really devastate their confidence. Their ego has been hurt and it can be hard for them to see their own faults and what they were responsible for in the breakup. A Leo will never forget if someone has betrayed them.  


As one of the sweetest and most sensitive signs of the Zodiac, it can be really hard for a Pisces to move on after heartbreak. Letting go isn’t something this sign wants to do. When Pisces fall in love, they want to merge with the person they are with and become one. Their whole world becomes this person and their identity is rooted in this relationship. This is why it can be so heartbreaking for the Pisces zodiac sign to go through a breakup. It can turn their whole world upside down.

It is very hard for them to let go and accept that the relationship is over. They might try to win over their ex-partner to get them back. Even if a relationship is terribly toxic, Pisces will still believe that there is hope and that they can somehow change their partner. It is very difficult for this sign to move on and it may take years before they are able to trust enough again to be in a new relationship. They don’t take love lightly and are extremely scared of getting hurt.  

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