5 Ways to Actually Make Your New Year’s Resolutions a reality


If packed gyms on January 1 are a sign that everyone is starting the new year with the best intentions – from improving their organizational skills to getting fit after a hectic holiday season. However, statistics show that only a fraction of people actually stick to their resolutions. Here are some simple ways to have a happy and healthy New Year.

Start slowly

Maybe the champagne was talking when you decided to run a marathon – even though you don’t own running shoes. Don’t set unrealistic goals, set goals that you can achieve. For example, start with a beginner’s running plan, then train for a 5K or a 10K if you’re new to running, and build from there.

READ MORE: Get in top shape with the WH Walking Challenge

Work with your personality – not completely against it

Don’t set yourself up for failure. For example, if you’ve never been a morning person, you shouldn’t decide to start exercising at 6 a.m. every day. Instead, choose a time when you actually enjoy going to the gym and you’ll be much more likely to maintain motivation and be positive about the changes.

Monitor your success

Apps and fitness trackers are great tools to help you on your journey. Various apps allow you to track your weight, measure body fat and water levels, and get information about bone mass.

READ MORE: 20 fitness apps to boost your wellness journey

Find support in numbers

It’s easy to walk into a gym and just not show up, but when you sign up for a class or running group, you have a built-in network to help you pull through. Even if you team up with a friend, you won’t let each other down easily, and responsibility is a powerful motivator.

Check in with yourself

Add a reminder to your calendar at three, six, and nine months to see how well you stayed on track. It’s never too late to reboot your resolutions, and sticking with yourself all the way will either make you proud or motivate you to get back on track.

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