14 Lessons Learned from Big Life Changes

Apparently the universe needs to keep reminding me of these things! Maybe if I write them down, I’ll be less surprised when it happens again?
- There’s a period of shock, but FYI…
- It’s only temporary.
- Your life will feel like it’s been turned upside down, but again…
- It’s only temporary.
- You might think you’ve made a mistake (or two or three or four) and you’ll also wonder if you did the right thing.
- It might take a while, but you’ll find a way to adjust, and everyone around you will find a way to adjust, too.
- You might not know all the answers right now, but you’ll figure it all out.
- Take it easy on yourself. Give yourself copious amounts of grace.
- It’s ok to mourn your previous life.
- One more time for the cheap seats in the back! You’re never going to feel completely ready, ever.
- Try to cover as many of the life basics as possible to keep you from losing your sh*t. For me, it’s getting enough sleep, eating and drinking things that make me feel good, making my bed and moving my body.
- Let other people know you need help.
- Let other people help you.
- You’ll find a new rhythm. It might take some time, but you’ll get there.
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,
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