Your Weekly Horoscope: (March 24-March 30)


We’re entering one of the most magical (and let’s be real, confusing) weeks of 2025. Venus and Mercury are both going retrograde in Pisces—yes, at the same time. Cue the emotional déjà vu, dreamy detours, and major heart-mind meltdowns.

Thursday, Venus slips back into Pisces, followed by Mercury on Saturday. It’s rare, it’s intense, and it’s got us all swimming through emotional undertows just before a fiery Solar Eclipse in Aries crashes the party with a fresh-start vibe. Think: emotional detox before your cosmic glow-up.

Double Retrograde Dives & Eclipse Risings

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Your love life needs a reboot, not a retreat. This week’s Solar Eclipse in your sign is like hitting the cosmic reset button on your relationships. Whether you’re single or attached, expect sudden revelations about what you truly desire in a partner. The universe is giving you permission to leave behind relationship patterns that no longer serve you. This is your moment to be bold and authentic about your needs. Don’t waste this powerful new beginning by clinging to old romantic habits—embrace the shake-up and watch as the right people are magnetically drawn to your renewed energy.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Sometimes standing still is how you move forward. As Venus retrogrades back into dreamy Pisces, you’re being called to reflect on what true intimacy means to you. Past relationship wounds may resurface, not to torture you, but to be finally healed. This is a time to retreat and process rather than forge ahead with new connections. That situationship you’ve been trying to figure out? The answers lie in what isn’t being said. By embracing the quiet and listening to your intuition, you’ll gain clarity about who deserves your devoted heart.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Words are weapons—aim carefully. This is a perfect time to have that conversation you’ve been avoiding with your partner or to make your intentions crystal clear to someone you’re interested in. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Aries has your communication skills on fire this week, especially in matters of the heart. You’ll find yourself able to articulate exactly what you want from your relationships with unprecedented clarity.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Not all who wander emotionally are lost. Friday’s Solar Eclipse in Aries ignites your career sector, but don’t be surprised if professional shake-ups create ripple effects in your love life. Power dynamics with your partner may shift as you step more confidently into your authority. Single Cancers could find themselves magnetically attracted to someone they meet through work or networking events. This celestial event marks the beginning of a new chapter where your relationship needs and professional identity find a more authentic alignment.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

The spotlight is on you, but the script is being rewritten. With Neptune moving into fellow fire sign Aries, you’re entering a period where your romantic ideals are getting a reality check. The dreamy, sometimes delusional aspects of your relationships are being replaced with a more direct, honest approach to love. While part of you might miss the fantasy, there’s something liberating about seeing your connections clearly. Pioneer new ways of relating that honor both your need for adoration and authentic connection.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Perfect timing doesn’t exist, but perfect effort does. You’ll find yourself able to read between the lines of what your partner or crush is saying, detecting hidden feelings and unspoken desires. Use this psychic boost to deepen intimacy rather than to nitpick or criticize. our ruling planet Mercury forms a sextile with transformative Pluto this week, sharpening your emotional perception to laser-like accuracy. This aspect supports therapeutic conversations that get to the root of relationship issues.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Sometimes balance means tipping the scales completely. The Aries Solar Eclipse occurs directly in your relationship sector, triggering significant developments with partners, both potential and existing. This powerful lunation could bring sudden meetings with people who feel instantly familiar, or dramatic shifts in existing relationships. The cosmos is pushing you to break free from patterns of people-pleasing and codependency. A relationship that’s been teetering may finally transform or conclude under this influence.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

The past always returns, but you don’t have to answer the door. Old lovers might resurface, not necessarily for reconciliation, but for resolution. As Venus retrograde slips back into compassionate Pisces, you’re being called to forgiveness—of others and yourself. This transit highlights the difference between romanticizing past relationships and genuinely healing from them. Your challenge is to face relationship shadows without drowning in them.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Your heart wants adventure, but it needs a home base too. With Mercury and Neptune meeting in intuitive Pisces at week’s end, your romantic communication could get a bit fuzzy. You might find yourself drawn to idealized versions of potential partners or misinterpreting signals from someone you’re interested in. While this transit enhances your creativity and imagination, it requires extra vigilance against self-deception in matters of the heart. Ground yourself by distinguishing between what you hope someone is saying and what they’re actually expressing.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Not every foundation needs rebuilding, but every one needs inspection. This week has you evaluating the structural integrity of your relationships as Neptune begins its visit to assertive Aries. The practical aspects of partnership—how you divide responsibilities, manage resources, and support each other’s goals—are highlighted now. You’re being called to bring more directness and authenticity to how you connect with others. Relationships built on obligation rather than genuine desire may start to feel increasingly constraining.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Innovation isn’t just for technology—your love life needs an upgrade too. You’re experiencing a profound shift in how you communicate in relationships this week. That brilliant Aquarian mind of yours is making connections between your past patterns and present choices, especially around Friday’s Solar Eclipse. A conversation or realization about what you truly need from a partner could change everything. This is cosmic permission to break free from relationship dynamics that restrict your authentic self-expression.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Your heart is an ocean—mysterious, powerful, and occasionally stormy. The Venus-Neptune conjunction in your sign midweek brings a deeply romantic, almost mystical quality to your relationships. You’re more magnetic and intuitive now, able to connect with others on a soul level rather than just through words. Creative date ideas will strengthen bonds with existing partners, while single Pisces might feel drawn to someone who appreciates their dreamier qualities.

The Mystical Numbers of Transformation

This week’s rare double retrograde and powerful eclipse align with a striking 3-6-9 numerology pattern—mirroring our cosmic path from reflection to rebirth.

Three major transits—Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde, and the Solar Eclipse—underscore the creative energy of the number three. The number six connects to the Pisces-Virgo axis, highlighting themes of healing, balance, and emotional clarity. And nine, the number of completion, reflects the closing of one chapter before the Aries eclipse ignites a new one.

The stars and numbers agree: something is ending so something greater can begin. Trust the shift.

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