Trump Tertiary Transit Chart For 2/24/25 thru 8-25-25


Trump’s Major Success Coming Soon 2/24/25 thru 8-25-25.

The Tertiary Moon has been transiting the Natal Chart of Trump’s Inauguration Chart since February 8, 2025 in a negative Square. The first hit was the MH on 2/8/25 when all the negative publicity began from the Democrats, Liberals and Socialists in Europe. This will continue till the Tertiary Moon moves into the Seventh House on 3/23/25 when it Trines Saturn. This will be a milestone accomplishment in his Presidency. On April 8, 2025, Tertiary Moon will be Opposition to Tertiary Uranus, sudden changes are happening by the President regarding the Deal of 3/23/25 that needs to be rewritten concerning money in a more productive manner for the United States.

Source: Air Software

On 3/23/25 The Tertiary is Moon is now in the Upper Quadrant of the Inauguration Chart and it is time even greater successes in Trump’s Presidency. His successes will culminate on Aug 25, 2025. The Tertiary Moon is moving into a conjunction with Mercury, the ruler of the 2nd house of the chart which is in the Ninth House of Immigration and Foreign Affairs. It is conjunct the MC, whose ruler is Saturn. Big news is in the air for both of these issues.

Source: Air Software

Most people cannot read a simple Tropical Chart anymore. The Tertiary Chart is a forgotten Prediction Methodology due to the “Rock Crazies” of the 2000’s. Like I say, we are not Sidereal on the Earth, we are Earth Bound and need to read a chart on the Earth. The Fixed Stars send Light Frequency Energy to us thru the Planets to us to help us Evolve but some people still prefer to stay stuck in their old mind sets prior to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius is the Future. It is going to be tough for all the generations since Pluto in Leo to change. We are going to Outer Space just like we built the Trans-Continental Railroad when Neptune was in Aries. The Moon and Saturn both rule your life. Emotions, Dedication, Hard Work and Restrictions move you to the future. All the rest is “Window Dressing” in your life to help build your house of Dreams. If you live long enough, you will understand how both of these energies propel to your future success and their cycles.

The following is the prediction of what Uranus/Algol will uncover toward the time Uranus enters Gemini:

“This is the beginning year when all the secrets will be exposed regarding the government and different departments like the FBI, USAID, FEMA, Department of Education, IRS and Homeland Security. It will be a time when all the corruption in the past Biden/Harris Administration is uncovered. This energy wants to get to the bottom of the corruption in government and the different States like California, Illinois, Michigan and New York and who stole what. People will be shocked how deep this corruption really goes back into previous Administrations like Obama. Trump will be relentless into seeking the Truth about Biden/Harris and the Obama Administration and all the money that was stolen by the Politicians. There will be Politicians who will resign over the truths uncovered.”ICE

There is more to this chart, but I will let others chime in to tell the “Rest of The Story” if they have the courage to do so. From what I have seen on the Internet, same old people spouting the same slogans but not showing ways to solve the problem. Anyone one can carry a sign, but can you join the Military, get on the plane and go to Gaza or Ukraine to help solve the problems there. Most are without courage and are afraid to do what it really takes. These two places and the Ukraine will be in the news a lot in the this coming year, including Israel.  Remember, “History Always Repeats Itself”.

“Time To Make Changes In Your Life”

“The Universe Knows All The Answers”

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Image Source: StockNation

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