Treatment principles for different kinds of Agni imbalances


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Why should Agni imbalances be treated with priority?

Balance of Agni is very important for a comprehensive health. Samagni which is a state of balance of Agni is one of the parameters which needs to be satisfied for a person to be called as ‘swastha’ i.e. perfectly healthy. Any other state of agni is a state of its imbalance and needs to be medically addressed. Agni can become aggressive leading to high metabolism and burnouts. It can also become very weak leading to stagnations and blocks in the body, causing many diseases. It can also be inconsistent with abnormal highs and lows in an unpredictable way. These states are called Tikshnagni, Mandagni and Vishamagni respectively. All these states of fire are due to the influence of doshas on them and can be equally dangerous. Therefore, agni imbalances should be diagnosed and treated with priority.

It is also said that ‘all the diseases which we suffer have their origin from mandagni – mainly the abdominal disorders’. Here mandagni, though means weak digestive fire, can be generalized to understand as ‘imbalances occurring in agni’.

In this article we shall touch upon the principles of treating these imbalanced agnis.

Ref – Sushruta Samhita Sutra Sthana, Chapter 35, Verse 26 (Su.Su.35/26)

Treatment principles for Vishama, Teekshna and Manda Agni

तत्र, समे परिक्षणं कुर्वीत; विषमे स्निग्धाम्ललवणैः क्रियाविशेषैः प्रतिकुर्वीत; तीक्ष्णे मधुरस्निग्धशीतैर्विरेकैश्च; एवमेवात्यग्रै, मन्दे कटुतिकषायैर्वमनैश्च॥२६॥

1. Treatment principles of Samagni

Samagni is a balanced state of the digestive fire. This fire is influenced by balanced Tridoshas. This is ‘fire perfect’. We need not do anything with respect to this kind of fire, which also reflects that the person is disciplined and healthy.

Treatment principle – Protection of digestive fire and maintenance of it in the same state is the principle here. The physician should take care that the Samagni should always be protected and advise the same to the healthy person. It is not easy, but it is a healthy practice. High levels of food and living discipline is needed, every moment, every day.

2. Treatment principles of Vishamagni

Vishamagni is a state of digestive fire wherein it has an unpredictable nature. Sometimes it digests the food properly and sometimes does not. This is caused due to the influence of vata on the digestive fire. If neglected, it can cause many diseases of vata origin.

Treatment principle – Visamagni should be treated by using the below mentioned substances i.e. foods and herbs which are –

–   Snigdha – unctuous
–   Amla – sour and
–   Lavana – salty

These foods would balance vata and also visamagni.

3. Treatment principles of Tikshnagni and Atyagni

Tikshnagni is a state of agni wherein the fire is so strong and intense that it digests the food in quick time immaterial of the quantity of food. This kind of digestive fire is influenced by pitta and is ‘all consuming’ in nature. If neglected, it may cause severe burnouts, widespread inflammation, increased severity of tissue fires leading to their destruction and disorders of pitta origin.

Treatment principle – Tikshnagni should be treated by using the substances i.e. foods and herbs which are –

–   Madhura – sweet,
–   Snigdha – fatty and
–   Shita – cold and
–   Virechana – administration of purgation

All these are antagonistic to pitta and would balance the tikshnagni. Virechana has been specified to expel the excess morbid pitta out of the system.

Atyagni is a variant of Tikshnagni. It has a similar nature but with more severity. Atyagni should be treated by administering buffalo milk, curd and ghee.

4. Treatment principles of Mandagni

Mandagni is a state of agni wherein the fire is so weak that it cannot digest the food properly or not digest at all. This condition is due to the agni being influenced by morbid kapha. When neglected, it causes stagnation, blocks in the channels of the body, more formation of systemic and tissue ama, weakness of tissue fire and becomes the root source of many diseases of kapha origin.

Treatment principle – Mandagni should be treated by using the substances i.e. foods and herbs which are –

–   Katu – pungent,
–   Kashaya – astringent and
–   Vamana – administration of emesis

All these are antagonistic to kapha and will also balance the mandagni. Vamana has been specified to expel the excess morbid kapha out of the system.

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