There Is Now A Seal For Rosacea-Safe Cosmetic Products
If you have any sort of skin sensitivity, finding skin-care products that don’t irritate is no easy feat. But, for those with conditions like rosacea, navigating the world of cosmetics is exceptionally difficult. While plenty of products claim to be safe for sensitive skin or even sport seals from organizations like the National Eczema Association, there has never been a surefire way to determine if products are safe for rosacea.
That was, however, until now. This week, the National Rosacea Society revealed their new Seal of Acceptance program, which will help users identify products that are proven safe for individuals with rosacea.
The National Rosacea Society’s Official Seal of Acceptance
According to the National Rosacea Society, 16 million Americans and 415 million people worldwide suffer from rosacea—a chronic skin condition that causes persistent redness, sensitivity and irritation. The condition makes skin care a thin tight rope to balance—in fact, according to the NRS, “92 percent of rosacea sufferers reported burning, stinging or itching skin and 66 percent named certain skin care or cosmetic products as triggers for rosacea signs and symptoms.”
As a result, the society has developed a new, official Seal of Acceptance program to help sufferers confidently chose products that will not cause irritation. Now, if users locate the NRS seal on a product, they can be sure that it’s a gentle, clinically tested and expertly evaluated product that has been found to be unlikely to irritate sensitive skin. In terms of criteria for acceptance, the NRS filters for products free from ingredients that may damage the skin barrier, cause vasomotor instability (flushing) or prompt “unwanted neurosensory stimulation” like burning or itching.
If you suffer from rosacea, keep an eye out for this seal dawning the words “National Rosacea Society Accepted” and complete with a rose for easy identification.