There is a Safety Net and its Here, Now


New Moon Eclipse, April 8, to Full Moon, April 23, 2024

During my early school years, I lived in the parish of Resurrection. The active component of that word, resurrection, was imprinted in heart consciousness. I knew the experience of resurrection. The energies of this Sol Eclipse and the collaborating Planets of New Consciousness inform us that it is time for our personal and collective resurrections.

The Planets of New Consciousness Helping Us in this Waxing Moon

If you want a safety net for leaping from the dead old to the radiant new, consider that the Sun, Moon, Earth, and these deep space planets are helping us:

  • Wake from numbed unconsciousness to life in the vast void and land of the unexpected
  • Identify, own, and release our Ferocious Divine Feminine and transmute evil
  • Keep to our True North
  • Expand our capacities for release and renewal
  • Allow ancestral nurturance to use lessons from the past to make new informed choices
  • Transmigrate tribal loyalties and open to living unconditioned love
  • Noble new beginnings are sourced by mystical, mercurial inspiration
  • Allow structure to help create and maintain the rhythms of new realities

Sending every blessing wish for your transformation in this exquisite, potent time. If I can help support you through a reading or a guided imagery session, contact me at

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