Kiss torn lips goodbye with this two -stage routine


The barrier -riest -lip shell gently removes dead skin cells with almond acid, a chemical peeling that also occurs in some of my favorite cleaners. I appreciate the mint feeling that I get while I slide over my lips and that I don’t have to rinse anything afterwards. As soon as the shell no longer feels sticky, it is time to push the lip tinker on the Lip Basten Treatment. Enriched with ceramids and squalan – both moisturizing ingredients that I tend in winter, it feels like a nutritious (but not overly greasy) protective coat on my lips. I would say that it blocks much more efficiently in moisture and stays on the skin than an average lip mask, and I wake up with the softest and most custody lips. I turned to this combination that night before I should wear lipstick to prepare my lips to ensure that they have the entire fluid intake they need. “ – Venus Wong, senior writer

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