Jewelry Collection Stories Part 2 – Kate of @luxcharmjewelry – Gem Gossip




Today’s Jewelry Collection Story comes from Kate of @luxcharmjewelry – I’ve already featured her collection several years ago, you can read her past feature here, but we’ve got a fun updated version. It is always fun to see how a collection grows and evolves overtime, and this is a perfect example of just that!  Kate has been one of my most favorite follows for so long – she is an art teacher and has a wonderful eye for antiques. She also has an Etsy shop, so check that out as well.

“Thanks for the opportunity to share my jewelry collection story! My love affair with jewelry started at a very young age. I was fortunate to inherit a few special heirloom pieces, including my Great Great Grandfather’s engraved pocket watch and my Great Grandmother’s enameled pocket watch. My Dad started a tradition in the family where he would buy the women in his life jewelry for special occasions, like birthdays, graduation, and Christmas. Some of my favorite pieces include a monogrammed gold signet ring from when I was a teenager and more recently, a pair of gold dangly Art Nouveau earrings. Marking special occasions and making new memories with jewelry is important to me. Jewelry has a way of keeping our memories alive and helping us feel connected. I am crazy sentimental and I love how jewelry helps to serve as a visual reminder to important people and events of my past.



About 12 years ago, I began collecting and wearing antique jewelry. I love to go to local antique shops, thrift stores, and antique shows. Over the past few years, it has been more challenging shopping in person for jewelry. Nearly all of my favorite places have closed – and the Covid pandemic certainly hasn’t helped. But despite all that, I still think the Midwest is a great place for antiques. And I think the BEST place to look for antiques is in Ohio. I make the journey to my neighboring state at least 4 times a year to scour and shop. I love the thrill of the hunt! Personally, I don’t buy much from other dealers/collectors because quite frankly, I’m pretty cheap and I love to score a good deal. Ha haaa.

I have a deep and sincere appreciation for antique jewelry. I love beautiful objects – their history, sentiment, and craftsmanship. My degree is in art history and I’m a lifelong lover of history and art. I’m a full-time art teacher and a self-taught part-time jewelry dealer. Naturally, I’m a very curious person and I read a lot of jewelry and history books. Basically, I’m just a big nerd.  I am very eclectic in what I buy and wear only what I truly LOVE. I don’t really follow trends. It’s all about the details and how a piece makes me FEEL. I need to feel a connection to something in my gut. That said, I’m picky about what I keep and sell. It’s never been about making money, since selling jewelry is my “side gig”. I just figured out early on that if I sold stuff, I could keep more for myself. I do it because I love it. Plain and simple. 



Currently, I sell jewelry through my online Etsy shop and directly through my Instagram account @luxcharmjewelry. Many things sell out there before I have a chance to list them in my shop. 

In 2019, I won a Lily Endowment Teacher Creativity Fellowship Grant that allowed me to travel to England for 3 weeks to explore/research the jewelry-centric world of Victorian era England. I still have vivid dreams where I’m wandering the hallways and exhibits of the Victoria and Albert Museum. It was life changing! 

My favorite motifs to collect are related to the natural world – birds, butterflies, flowers, trees, and moons, for example. Mostly, I am drawn to deep saturated colors found in nature. I tend to gravitate towards blue and green colored jewelry the most. My favorite stones are citrines, turquoise, chrysoprase, blue zircon, and dreamy agates. I have a lot of Art Deco and Victorian era pieces – including a collection of antique Victorian gold snake rings and bold, black signet rings. I’m an enamel addict! And my favorite type of enamel jewelry to collect is antique enamel watch necklaces. They are my weakness. There’s nothing quite like holding a meticulously crafted piece of fine guilloche enamel from the 1920s in your hand! It gets me every time! 

Right now, I have been adding less and less to my personal stash of jewelry. I’ve sold many beloved pieces from my personal collection this past year. I seem to be more comfortable now with what I have and the only items alluding me are a few “holy grail” pieces – like a French Retro era diamond bombe ring. Maybe one day I’ll find the perfect one! In any case, it’s fun to keep looking!”

You can follow Kate here –> @luxcharmjewelry

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