How to Make a Super Soothing Bug Bite Balm


Bug bites and stings are an inevitable part of summer. Despite using bug-repelling plants, citronella candles, and swatting away pesky mosquitoes, I can’t seem to avoid those itchy bites! This 100% natural bug bite balm, made with a few simple ingredients, provides soothing relief for redness, itching, and swelling.

And it doesn’t sting like other bug bite remedies, which is a huge bonus. Oh, and—did I mention?—it also smells wonderful!

Soothing Bug Bite Balm Made with Lavender and Tea Tree

For this balm, I chose ingredients based on how well they take the sting out of bug bites. If you have children (or even if you don’t), you know how impossible it can be to get them to stop scratching! It’s all they want to do!

So it’s important to choose essential oils and butters that have been shown to soothe inflammation, calm the fire, and get rid of the itch.