Hina, Mithya and Ati Yoga


Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa S, B.A.M.S

Karma includes all the activities we do in a day which includes physical, mental and speech related. Deficit, more or perverted indulgence in these actions will lead to a wider array of diseases.

–        Karma means action.

–        Hina Yoga means deficit indulgence.

–        Ati Yoga means excessive indulgence.

–        Mithya Yoga means perverted indulgence.

Deficit, excessive and perverted indulgence with respect to the below said factors is said to be the main cause for diseases –

–        Kala – time, seasons

–        Artha / indriyartha – objects of sense organs and

–        Karma – action

In this article we will discuss Karma and its hina, mithya and ati yoga as causative factors of diseases.

Ref – Ashtanga Hridaya Sutra Sthana, Chapter 12, Verses 40-43 ½ (A.Hr.Su.12/40-43a)

Deficit, Excessive and Perverted indulgence in Karma as an etiological factor for diseases

कायवाक्चित्तभेदेन कर्मापि विभजेत्त्रिधा।
कायादिकर्मणा हीना प्रवृत्तिर्हीनसज्ञकः॥४०॥
अतियोगोऽतिवृत्तिस्तु, वेगोदीरणधारणम्।
भाषणं सामिभुक्तस्य रागद्वेषभयादि च।
कर्म प्राणातिपातादि दशधा यञ्च निन्दितम्॥४२॥
मिथ्यायोगः समस्तोऽसाविह वाऽमुत्र वा कृतम्।

Karma or action is again classified into three kinds. They are –

–        Kayika Karma or Sharirika Karma – these are physical activities i.e. activities pertaining to our body, all actions we do with our body.

–        Vak Karma or Vachika Karma – these are speech related activities and include what we speak or sing or chant throughout the day.

–        Chitta Karma or Manasika Karma – this includes all mental activities i.e. the activities where we indulge our mind – like thinking, decision making, recollecting, etc.

All these activities are part and parcel of our life and we are indulged in them throughout our day and also in our life.

We are nothing and the world would become inert if every individual stops doing physical, mental or speech related activities. We cannot imagine such a world.

While they are inseparable actions of our life and they going on involuntarily or voluntarily or as a response to other actions or stimuli, they need a ‘line of control’. They should not be done in excess or in deficit proportions nor in perverted ways. Everything is harmful to the body and mind and senses and opens up the gates for many diseases to manifest.

Let us try to understand this with the help of suitable examples.

1. Hinayoga of Karma – Deficit indulgence

Hina Yoga of Example
Karma of Kaya – body Doing very fewer physical activities
Karma of Vak – speech Very less speaking
Karma of Manas / Chitta – mind Very less indulgence in mind activities like thoughts etc.

2. Atiyoga of Karma – Excessive indulgence

Ati Yoga of Example
Karma of Kaya – body Excessive indulgence in physical activities
Karma of Vak – speech Speaking in excess
Karma of Manas / Chitta – mind Thinking in excess, too much worry, anxiety, stress etc.

3. Mithyayoga of Karma – Perverted indulgence

Mithya Yoga of Example
Karma of Kaya – body Forcible expulsion or suppression of vegas – natural urges of the bodyIndulgence in activities with improper or weird body posturesActivities like falling or jumping abruptly
Karma of Vak – speech Speaking in excess in-between mealsSpeaking too much after food
Karma of Manas / Chitta – mind Having and developing too many desires, hatred, fear etc.


The ten heinous actions like Pranatipata etc mentioned in the dhinacharya adhyaya of Sutra Sthana of the same treatise are also the perverted actions, immaterial they being done in this world (this incarnation) or the other world i.e. eternal world (or in previous birth).


In today’s competitive world we are indulged in too many physical activities. We can see that people are rushing to their offices, children to schools, women at household work and also their profession. There is too much running around and the environment itself is scary. We are running around and we do not know that our system is getting worn and torn every day. There are people juggling day and night shifts without sleep or deficit sleep. This is a problem of over-use or perverted-use. We don’t know our limitations and by the time we realize, it is too late. It can lead to many physical ailments like chronic fatigue, nonspecific body pains, tiredness, joint related problems and also systemic problems. In the stress of running, pushing and jumping, we also would have erratic eating and sleeping habits which are responsible for many systemic disorders. One may also fall victim to many mental disorders like anxiety, stress, depression, irritability, anger issues and a lot more due to the stress involved in the daily protocol and not being able to manage the same. Physical disorders on the long run would influence the mind and mental disorders would influence the body on the long run. So, ultimately without the knowledge, people fall victim to psychosomatic disorders.

We have to speak a lot many times, and many professions demand communication and involve ‘only talking’ to the clients. Excessive use of phones, smartphones, laptops etc. are included in this business. In the modern-day technological world, we are all victims of the same and we are at a point of no return. We are used to ‘ati and mithya yoga’. Even the kids and teenagers cannot survive if they are separated from their smartphones. They are addicted to the screens. School works, college works, office works demand excessive use of these gadgets and systems. Herein there is less, more or perverted indulgence in physical, mental or speech related activities.

On the other hand, there are certain species who undergo the things. They do not move themselves. They are happy in their sedentary ways of living and consuming rich and calories foods. These people become victims of atisantarpana i.e. over-nutrition and over-rest. This hina yoga will attract many systemic and metabolic disorders including obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, depression, binge eating, and lot more.

We can give millions of examples which fit into these categories explained above, related to hina, ati and mithya yoga of karma.

The bottom line is ‘too much is too bad’, ‘too less is also too bad’ and when it is neither this or that i.e. perverted, it is dangerous. We have to rest our system before it shuts down in a way that it cannot be activated properly. We need to find ways to give rest and pamper our body and mind. We also need to be calculative about how much we speak and why and try to cut short speaking as and when one can.

Ayurveda Remedies for health problems arising from karma manipulation

Nidana Parivarjana is the best remedy in either case of Karma. Those indulging in less activities should be pushed from their comfort zone and put into physical and mental exercises or activities. Those who overdo it should take periodic breaks and rest. And those indulged in perverted activities should be made aware of the same and advised to strike balance.

In atiyoga and mithyayoga of karma, vata will be out of balance, pitta too. Regular pampering with effective Ayurveda therapies like Abhyanga, Swedana, Murdni Taila, Sarvanga Dhara etc would keep the body and mind rejuvenated. For more severe symptoms, virechana or vasti may be advised. This will help in preventing ‘system breakdown’. Yoga and meditation, guided by skilled experts will help. People need to take a break from work and go for a vacation with family once in a while. Weekend outings are also a healthy practice.

In hinayoga of karma, kapha will be increased, along with tamasika guna of mind. Indulgence in regular physical programmed exercises and body mind activities is the key principle. Metabolic disorders should be promptly treated. Periodic Abhyanga, Swedana, Udwarthana and Vamana will come in handy.

For those who are indulged in excessive speaking as in communication-based jobs, teachers etc should be advised to Kavala and Gandusha on daily basis, to strengthen their voice and to combat vata. They should also plan ‘speech-breaks’ as and when needed. 

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