Giorgio Armani Holiday 2023 Ad Campaign

This time of year, all we crave is festive glamour. Throughout the cheery and joyful holiday season, we’ve become extremely reliant on the advertising campaigns of every major fashion brand (as well as the covers of our fave fashion…

Pluto Square Pluto Synastry

Astrology offers a window into the complexities of human relationships, and one aspect that stands out for its intensity and transformative potential is Pluto square Pluto synastry. This aspect, involving the planet Pluto, signifies…

A New Mars Cycle – Slaying The Dragon

On Saturday, November 18th, 2023, the Sun is conjunct Mars and we have a new 2-year Mars cycle. This is a very important transit because it initiates a brand-new Hero’s Journey.  The Sun is our identity, and Mars is how we take…

10 Immune Boosting Recipes | The Everygirl

Cold and flu season is here and the last place any of us want to be is stuck at home under the weather. When it comes to supporting the immune system, prioritizing 7-9 hours of sleep, exercising in ways that bring you joy, spending…

The Wellness Routine Taylor Swift Swears By

Life on tour is grueling (or so I’ve heard), but Taylor Swift could’ve fooled us with her seemingly effortless stamina throughout her 3-hour “The Eras Tour” show (complete with seamless outfit changes on stage, might I add). It got me…

2023’s Goodreads Choice Awards Winners

Every time I hit about 60 percent of the way through a book, my mind immediately starts thinking about what I might read next. If I’m reading something with lots of action and adventure, do I want to keep these vibes going or maybe…

30 Cheesy Holiday Movies to Stream Tonight

During most of the year, I’d consider myself to be a tough movie critic. Trust me, I don’t mean to be a film snob—the truth is, I’m just a tired person. A movie has to be pretty damn good to keep my attention or else I’ll inevitably…

Winter Decorations You Can Keep Up Post-Holidays

POV: It’s already the second week of December and you still haven’t decorated for the holidays yet. At this point, hauling out your holiday decor only to pack it all away again a few weeks later sounds like too much effort, but you…

The Ms. Feminist Gift Guide: 2023 Edition

This holiday season, many people are seeking options for gift shopping outside of monstrous global conglomerates—opting instead to shop from small, more ethical brands that align with their core values. This year, we are curating a…

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