Astrology Really Works and Why! Scientific Proof!
Why Astrology Works! Scientific Proof!
Astrology: The Earth and the Moon have a regular cycle of the rise and fall of the Earth’s oceans. This is known as Tides or Tidal Surge, this causes the rise and fall of the world’s ocean waters. As the Moon moves around the Earth, the push and pull of the gravitational pull causes the rise and fall of the worlds oceans. This same phenomena happens with people. People, depending upon age are composed of approximately 70% water. When the Tides are being moved by the Moon, it also causes the same rise and fall of people’s water content and moves it up and down in the body. This movement results in changes of moods in people. This is only part of the story why Astrology Really Works.
While this is going on, there is a gravitational pull of the Earth and Moon at the same time. This is nothing new, all this can be proved by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Universal Law of Gravity. Example: Solar Flares from the Sun cause storms and weather changes on the Earth due to the energy hitting the Earth Geomagnetic Field. This same energy is hitting people at the same time, that is why some people act crazy during these times and others feel a sense of uneasiness.
The Sun gives us life, while sometimes the life is a little crazy and uneasy. The Moon gives us life also with the movement of water on the Earth’s surface and in our bodies.
The same thing happens with the Inner and Outer Planets of the Universe. They all have gravitational fields that are part the big picture that interact with us humans on Earth. Some of us are more sensitive to these vibrations and the frequency of this energy. This is a relationship we have with the Planets of the Universe as these gravitational fields interact with the Earth too.Their energy is no different than the Moon’s effect on the Earth’s Gravitational Field.
Remember, everything is connected. So, the next time you hear someone say something bad about Astrology, you can tell them all about how “How Astrology Work” with Scientific Proof.