How to Be the Best Version of Yourself Over 60


Many of you reading this may live well into your 80s, 90s and even beyond. None of us know how our life will unfold, though we can help maintain both our physical and mental wellbeing by taking good care of ourselves. We are born with one body, and though parts of us renew and repair, this is all we have got, and the more we look after it the better we are likely to be in old age.

It doesn’t have to be a massive life change. I am not suggesting you exercise from dawn til dusk, only eat organic healthy food (of course you can if you want), just to think about how to really care about yourself. There is no-one else out there who is going to tell you to be healthy, eat well, give your brain a workout, go for a walk in nature, learn to say ‘no’, have fun, be happy. The buck stops with you :).


Most of us Baby Boomers loved to dance. I know I spent every evening either dancing in clubs, at parties or even in my bedroom! Never once was I an ounce overweight, and I could eat whatever I liked. So if, like me, you are no fan of the gym, ramp up that music and rock around the clock! 

Not only will dancing improve your physical health, but, especially if you sing along, it will improve your mental and emotional wellbeing. Research has shown that 1) singing reduces stress and helps promote feelings of happiness, and 2) your body releases so-called ‘happy hormones’, dopamine and serotonin while you’re doing it.


We wouldn’t buy a shiny new Ferrari and make it run on chip fat, so why should we treat something even more precious, any less? I know some people think that what we eat is all about weight, but the food we consume is used for energy, growth, repair, protection against illnesses and so much more. Food affects our skin, hair, bone density, even our moods, so the older we become the more thought we should put into what we eat.

Of course, many of us love to eat a few things that perhaps we shouldn’t – who can resist the smell of a delicious curry or freshly cooked chips! But in order to keep healthy, I try to do this in moderation, often by not keeping things at home that are unhealthy. That way if I really want something, I have to go and get it and usually by the time I have got to the shop, I have changed my mind. Seems to work for me. I don’t really deny myself anything but have to make the effort to go and fetch it!


To me, one of the most important things is happiness, and though there are often things in life that are hard to get through, I always have my aim firmly at getting-back-to-happy. We all have different things that make us happy, just do whatever it is that gives you a lift and makes you smile. It could be as simple as wearing your favourite dress or perfume, meeting with friends and family, or going to that special place that you love so much.

As a bit of a butterfly, I know there are many different things that make me happy. Sometimes it is walking in the countryside, other times shopping in my favourite busy town. I love music… but also quiet, people…but also solitude, travel… but also relaxing at home. There is, however, one thing I always love and that’s being by water. I love to walk along the beach, river, canal, and even listen to rain. Just seeing or hearing it seems to fill my soul. 

Just Being You

This world is full of unique, wonderful individuals like you. However, sometimes we get put in boxes and find ourselves behaving in a certain way, often to please others, or fit in. But you have as much right to be ‘you’ as anyone else does. All your thoughts, ideas, beliefs are as valid as anyone else’s. You do not have to comply, or conform, to other people’s expectations. You have one life… live it authentically. 

So, when you reach your 80th, 90th or even your hundredth birthday and still find yourself able to dance around the kitchen and sing out loud, be grateful that 60-year-old you made the effort to give that beautiful body of yours all the love, care and attention it needed. I promise you, you will be glad you did!

Let’s Reflect:

Are you taking good care of yourself? What is the best version of you and when was she around? Do you think your 90-year-old self will be thankful to your present-day self? Why or why not?

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