Super Cute DIY Felt Heart Hand Warmers


We’ve found the cutest way to keep cold hands at bay. How adorable are these heart hand warmers? Tuck them into coat pockets to keep you cozy all winter long. They were the perfect anniversary gift for the hubby last week. And hey, Valentine’s will be here before you know it!

Want to whip up a couple of your own? Here’s how:

Easy and reuseable heart hand warmers! Made with wool felt, lavender and rice, these hand warmers will keep you cozy all winter long!

Felt Heart Hand Warmers

My hands are always cold. It doesn’t really matter if it’s the middle of winter or the dead of summer, my hands will be so cold the hubby practically screams if my clammy hands so much as graze him (hey, that reminds me, I should probably get my thyroid checked sometime soon). So, I’m always on the hunt for something to keep ’em warm.

These heart hand warmers are adorable and so simple to make. Plus, I love that they’re all-natural and they smell cozy and relaxing, thanks to the dried lavender.

Felt Heart Handwarmers

To make them, all you need are wool felt, white rice and dried lavender blossoms. If you don’t have dried lavender, you can always use essential oil in any scent you like. Chamomile, cinnamon, pine and sweet orange are especially festive this time of year.

And if you’re on the hunt for last minute holiday gifts, these babies are perfect!

diy hand warmer suppliesdiy hand warmer supplies


Makes: 1 hand warmer


Step 1: Fold the felt in half and cut out a heart shape. I sketched out a few different shapes on paper before cutting my felt because I wanted to make sure it was a good size – but you can freehand it, if you want.

The only real requirement is that it fits comfortably in the palm of your hand. If giving as a gift, you may want to keep your recipient’s hand size in mind when cutting out the hearts.

Step 2: Once you have a shape you like, use it as a template when cutting out your remaining hearts. In my experience, one sheet of 8″ x 10″ felt makes about 2 hearts (1 handwarmer).

Step 3: Place the two hearts together and line up the edges. If they don’t match up exactly, trim off any excess felt and clean up the edges.

Knot the embroidery thread at the end and thread it through the needle (since embroidery floss is thick, it helps to have a sharp upholstery needle). Start sewing the hearts together using a simple whipstitch.

Easy and reuseable heart hand warmers! Made with wool felt, lavender and rice, these hand warmers will keep you cozy all winter long!Easy and reuseable heart hand warmers! Made with wool felt, lavender and rice, these hand warmers will keep you cozy all winter long!

Step 4: When you’re about ¾ of the way around the heart, spoon the rice and lavender inside. I used regular white rice, but you can use brown rice if you’ve got it. The amount of rice you need will vary based on the size of your heart. Just make sure not to pack it in because you’ll want to be able to sew it shut (plus, I find it more comfortable if there’s a bit of give!) Use your finger to evenly distribute the rice before adding more.

If you chose to use essential oils instead of dried lavender, add 4-5 drops of essential oil to a small bowl of rice and stir it together. Then spoon it into your heart.

Step 5: Sew the hole closed and knot to secure.

To use, stick your hand warmers in the microwave along with a small cup of water (this keeps the rice and fabric from drying out and catching on fire!) Heat for 20-30 seconds, turning occasionally, then tuck them into your pockets for toasty fingers.

If you don’t have a microwave, preheat the oven to 175 degrees F and heat them for 5-10 minute. Just make sure to keep a close eye on them!

Reheat as needed to keep warm.

A note on dampness:

Rice creates “damp” heat, meaning it releases moisture when it gets hot. This will make your hands and clothes feel slightly clammy when using your homemade hand warmers. It’s just a quirk of rice – you didn’t do anything wrong.

Set your heart hand warmers somewhere they can dry out between uses. You don’t want the rice to stay wet or you run the risk of your hand warmers mildewing. If kept dry, they should last for years.

Easy and reuseable heart hand warmers! Made with wool felt, lavender and rice, these hand warmers will keep you cozy all winter long!Easy and reuseable heart hand warmers! Made with wool felt, lavender and rice, these hand warmers will keep you cozy all winter long!


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