♥~Girls~Curls~♥: Sweet Sixteen Fun


It’s hard to believe that I started this blog about 9 years ago! My baby was only 7 year’s old and starting the first grade. Now she is 16 and in the 10th grade. Time goes by so fast and one day you wake up and that beautiful little baby you carried for 9 months and brought home from the hospital is now just a few short years from being a grown up.

Since Chelina was a baby, I knew I wanted to give her a special Sweet Sixteen. By the time she was 2 almost 3 I found myself a single mom and with nothing. I grew up poor and I wanted nothing more than to give my daughter some of the special experiences I never had. Some thing’s are just important for a girl.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do what I wanted to do for her Sweet Sixteen which was either a big party or even more so, her first real vacation and first trip to a Disney Park which has been her dream for as long as I can remember. Even with attempts at fundraising with T-shirt designs by me, it was a no go. I am still offering the T-shirts so maybe I can still pull off the trip even though it isn’t on her birthday. If you would like to check them out you can go here Destination Bliss

I did however try to make it as special as I could. I was able to get her a special dress (not new of course but gorgeous), we had a photo shoot, and then we went to Rainforest Cafe for her Birthday Dinner with family. It was nice and she got to feel like a princess a little. One of the things she want’s to do is work at Disney as one of the Princess’ because she love’s to make little kid’s happy.

Since some of you have been a part of our little blog for year’s I wanted to share the picture’s from her birthday with all of you :-)!

These are Chelina’s Special Birthday Pancakes! It’s a tradition we have had since she was about 2 years old! This year they were a little extra special though :-).

This was after her hair and makeup before we did the photo shoot.

We found a pretty location to do the photo shoot. Some where at Freestone Park in Gilbert, Az and these were taken at a beautiful area in Chandler. It is actually a neighborhood  called Fulton Ranch. It’s a beautiful area!

I love this picture of her walking away in her high heels and her tennis shoes are behind. It symbolizes the growth from childhood to young adult. Although, those were her cheer shoes and she isn’t walking away from that anytime soon lol.

This is the entrance to Arizona Mill’s Mall where Rainforest Cafe is.

They used to have huge aquariums with all kinds of  fish but they got rid of the fish for some reason.

My goofball lol. She loves elephants!

Chillin with the Froggy lol.

Well I hope you liked sharing in her special day. 

I will be posting more pictures of hairstyles soon. You can also follow us on Instagram at girls_curls_hair 🙂

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