What Rules Apples in Astrology?

Astrological Ruler of Apples

Apples are ruled by the Venus. Co-ruler of Apples is Saturn and the Moon. Further study is required for different types of Apples.

What Are Apples?

Apples: The apple is a deciduous tree that typically reaches a height of 5 to 14 feet in cultivation and can reach a height of 32 feet in the wild. When the apple tree is cultivated, size, shape and branch density are determined by root stock selection and pruning methods. The leaves are alternately arranged, dark green, simple oval, with serrated edges and slightly downy below. In spring, flower formation coincides with the appearance of leaves and occurs on spores and some growing buds. Apples are the round, edible fruit produced by the apple tree. Apple trees are grown throughout the world and are the most widespread species in the genus Malus. The tree originally comes from Central Asia, where its wild ancestor Malus sieversii still grows today. Apples have been cultivated in Eurasia for thousands of years and were introduced to North America by European colonists. The apple trees were planted in most of the original Colonies by Johnny Appleseed. Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures, including Norse, Greek and European Christian traditions. Love My Apples!

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