I also start to be surprised whether I have never dealt with my appearance because I never really felt like I had to. The Pretty Privilege is a recognized phenomenon that people who are considered attractive are considered attractive after a very narrow, extremely outdated standard that prioritizes Eurocentric features and filtered by the male look. I definitely don’t consider myself a pretty one – and it is definitely an uncomfortable selection of word for someone who approaches his 40th birthday – but if I see photos of myself five years ago, I see a clear skin that does not need a cover that is far enough without mascara that wears nothing more than Carmex. I am not a beauty, but I was dishonest with myself when I could see this indifference to my appearance as a privilege that, when we tell me, harmless characteristics that I give myself? And where does this make me appear now that my hair is gray, lines appear on my forehead and my lower lip is not as full as before?