Blair McNamara, MD, made the medical review of this document.
Cervical cancer is rare in the USA, less than 1% of all types of cancer and very treatable. In fact, the 5 -year survival rate exceeds 91%.
“Cervical cancer in the USA should be prevented. We have an excellent proof of investigation with PAP smear and HPV tests,” said Monica Vetter, MD, certified gynecological oncologist at the Norton Cancer Institute.
Although routine tests can prevent almost all cervical cancer, almost 1 out of 4 women were not up to date in 2019.
Asian, Hispanic and rural areas were rather too late with their tests. And a study of 2022 showed that 1 of 4 Hispanic and Black women delays the lowest follow -up indices after abnormal findings. Black women also have higher cervical cancer rates more often in advanced stages if they receive diagnosis and higher mortality.
Members of the LGBTQ+ Community are also more susceptible to delays in the tests and have more ways that medical care incorrectly tell you that you do not need any cervical cancer tests.
LEE: Remove obstacles to cervical cancer tests for the LGBTQ+ >> Community
Cervical cancer treatment
If you have cervical cancer, you will probably refer to a gynecological oncologist, a doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer of the reproductive system. Treatment could include operations, chemotherapy, radiation, directed therapy and immunotherapy. The best treatment for you depends on several factors, including the cancer stage and if you want to get pregnant in the future.
Operation along with other treatments can influence their ability to become pregnant in the future. Operations that keep fertility, ie radical concentration or cervix, are options for cervical cancer options in early stages.
Conical biopsy
The conical biopsy, which is also known as a concentration, is a surgical option for precancer cells and cervical cancer in early stages with which you can possibly become pregnant. A conical biopsy extracts a large tissue size and can also remove abnormal cells, so that cancer will not be rotated in the future. “I tell the patient that they should imagine that I try to get an iceball from the middle of their cervix,” said Vetter.
There are three types of conical biopsies:
- Surgical chronic biopsy that uses a scalpel
- Laser concentration that uses a laser
- Electrical surgery removal with ASA (LEEP), which uses a hot metal handle to extract uterine tissue for a biopsy.
LEEP can be carried out in an office with local anesthesia, while conical biopsies are produced in an operating room, possibly under general anesthesia.
Radical uterus zervizectomy
Depending on the size and characteristics of your cancer, your surgeon can recommend a uterus querice dialomy instead of approval. A simple cervix area only removes the cervix and a radical cervical and adjacent tissue. Your surgeon can also recommend the removal of the nearby lymph nodes. Uterus -Zervizectomies enable the possibility of future pregnancies because the uterus remains in place. These procedures are carried out in an operating room under general anesthesia.
There are different types of hysterectomies that can be used to treat cervical cancer. None of them enable pregnancies in the future.
In total or simple hysterectomy, the surgeon removes the uterus, including the cervix. The ovaries usually stay on the spot. This type of hysterectomy can be used to treat certain types of cervical cancer in very early stages.
Radical hysterectomies are more complicated operations that remove the uterus and cervix as well as the tissue, which surround the cervix and the upper part of the vagina. The ovaries are usually not removed. Radical hysterectomies have more potential collateral effects than overall hysterectomies such as complications of intestine or bladder.
Hysterectomies can be carried out via the abdomen or vagina and can be open operations or minimally invasive operations, including laparoscopic or robotic support. Depending on the phase of your cervical cancer, your surgeon can recommend open operation, as this is the safest option for hysterectomy. Your surgeon can explain the risks and advantages of the different ways of hysterectomy in your case.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Chemotherapy is a treatment in which medication is used to eliminate or stop the growth of cancer cells. It is usually used by infusions IV.
Radiation therapy uses high X rays to eliminate cancer. Radiation can be administered with Equis beam machines, which are referred to as external radiation therapy or with small capsules, which are placed in the cervix or in nearby areas, which are referred to as internal or implant radiation.
Radiation is usually provided in combination with chemotherapy, which is referred to as chemiorradioTrapia, since it is more effective than the radiation. Chemotherapy and radiation are sometimes used individually or together after hysterectomy and chemiorradiototrapies can be used for tumors that are too large for hysterectomy. Sometimes a chemiorradioTrapie is curative.
Chemotherapy alone is often made available if you cannot make other treatments easier or if you have recurring cervical cancer, ie it reappears after operations or chemiorradiotic treatments. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get pregnant if you had chemiorradiotherapy due to the damage caused by radiation to the uterus.
Immunotherapy uses your body’s immune system to combat cancer and is often used with chemotherapy, especially if you have cancer in stage 4. It is provided by IV infusions to work because it will be eliminated by the ability of cancer to hide from immunological cells and to improve the ability of your immune system to destroy cells.
Not all of them are ideal candidates for immunotherapy, but if they are, they can react to the therapy to cancer, they can stay in remission longer. Your ability to receive after immunotherapy depends on the type of treatment you have carried out. Some treatments affect their fertility and others have a high way of causing birth errors.
Direct pharmacotherapy
The focused pharmacotherapy uses medication that block proteins that promote the growth and spread of cancer cells. Some of the focused pharmacotherapies use IV infusions and other pills. Some directed therapies are also considered immunotherapy.
Pharmacotherapy is often used in recurrent diseases. Further research is necessary to fully understand how the pharmacotherapy directed influences fertility.
The test is the key
“The incidence or cancer rate in advanced stages increases and we have to do a better job for people to examine preventive exams,” said Vetter. “Do yours [pruebas de] Papanicolaou. If you have rare symptoms, such as B. vaginal bleeding after sex or bleeding between menstrual times, let them evaluate them. If cervical cancer is demonstrated early, there is a very high healing rate. “
This educational resource was created with Merck’s support.
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