Total Lunar Eclipse In Virgo – What Goes Around Comes Around

On March 14th, 2025, we have a Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse at 23° Virgo. And what an incredible eclipse this is!

Firstly, it’s a Total Eclipse, which means it’s much more intense than a partial eclipse. We are going to feel this one deeply. It’s a South Node Eclipse, meaning it’s outcome-oriented, bringing resolutions that have been long in the making.

Many people focus more on Solar Eclipses because they seem more dramatic or eventful; however, it’s Lunar Eclipses Full Moons on steroids – when things actually happen in tangible, concrete terms.

And while North Node eclipses might sound more appealing (given the North Node’s connection to life purpose and future growth), it’s the South Node eclipses that bring true resolutions.

South Node Eclipses like this one are when karma ripens, and events finally unfold.

This doesn’t mean that major events will unfold for every single one of us at the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. It all depends on our natal chart and whether we have sensitive points (luminaries, chart ruler, angles) very close to the degree of the eclipse (23° Virgo or other mutable signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces).

However, what this Lunar Eclipse will bring to most of us is a sense of “This has run its course. Now let’s move on.

Have you ever felt stuck in a never-ending spiral, looping on and on over the same thing? These phases – when we’re processing, reflecting, even obsessing over something – are necessary because this is when growth happens. 

However, we can’t stay in that space forever. At some point, something has to shift.

And that’s the role of eclipses. Eclipses – especially South Node eclipses – are times when ‘enough is enough.’ Eclipses bring much-needed resolution. This is when we press the reset button and move on to the next thing.

Lunar Eclipse In Virgo – The Common Sense Thing 

With Virgo, practicality will prevail over idealism

Of course, it’s not that the 2 are mutually exclusive – quite the opposite. Every Piscean ideal needs Virgoan systems and frameworks to bring it into reality.

And every Virgoan task, effort, or act of service isn’t just for the sake of keeping busy – it’s animated by some sort of ideal, aspiration, or greater legacy (Pisces).

However, since it’s the Virgo side of the axis that is eclipsed, we will likely interpret things through a Virgoan lens – practical, concrete, and rooted in common sense. A Virgo lunation is when we look at what has been bothering us or holding us back and assess it with Virgo’s humble, clear-eyed perspective.

Have you ever felt trapped in some sort of ‘impossible situation’, only to find that the solution – usually a very simple, logical one – was right in front of you?

This happens especially when we get stuck in the previous stage of our development (Leo) and are driven by pride. We resist taking certain steps – perhaps because we see them as a loss of authenticity or even a personal failure.

However, in many cases, what we resist is actually the most logical – and best – thing to do.

That’s not to say that the Lunar Eclipse’s resolution has to be a humbling, I’m-gonna-lose-something kind of experience. Not at all. For many, this is a time of achievement – a moment when hard work finally pays off. Something we’ve been working on for a long time is now bearing fruit.

At this turning point, the key question to ask is: does it (whatever is unfolding in your life) make sense – beyond right, wrong, or ego? Does it add value to your life?

More than anything, Virgo wants to be useful. Virgo seeks to add value to everything it touches. That’s what makes Virgo feel fulfilled – bringing value, finding solutions, and improving the physical world we live in.

At the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, it’s a time to let go of pride, unrealistic expectations, or attachments to an outdated vision – and simply do the common-sense thing.

Lunar Eclipse In Virgo – The Aspects

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo forms a tight square with Saturn (now at 22° Pisces) and also a very tight, almost exact trine to Uranus (at 24° Taurus).

This speaks to a systemic change or a disruptive outcome that was long overdue and pretty much inevitable. If something has been built on unstable foundations, the house of cards will collapse. 

But if we’ve put in the work and built something solid, the eclipse delivers the final piece – handing us the keys to what we’ve constructed.

The eclipse is also loosely sextiling Mars, which is a positive signal of change. While there may be no turning back from the path we’ve been on, a whole new horizon lies ahead.

That being said, things may not be entirely as they seem. Just one day after the eclipse, the eclipse ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde – almost like a cosmic “wait a second” moment, asking us to go back and review something important.

Perhaps the realization or breakthrough that comes requires some follow-up action – closing loose ends, revisiting details, or finishing what has been left unfinished.

More details will unfold as we move through the eclipse season, and even beyond it, when Mercury goes direct on April 7th, 2025.

Lunar Eclipse In Virgo – What Goes Around Comes Around 

The key to understanding **this eclipse – eclipses in general, and, in broader terms, transits and life itself – **is accepting that, fundamentally, things are exactly as they should be

When we embrace this mindset, it becomes easier to settle into the present situation and take the best course of action.

Whatever the outcome of this eclipse, it’s the logical resolution of previous actions and choices.

Some of us might be pleased with the outcomes – some of us might not. Whatever happens, remember this: it’s not the universe that’s ‘wrong.’ 

The universe is never wrong. It couldn’t be wrong, because it wouldn’t function if its laws were flawed. Yes – in the short term, things may seem unfair or misaligned. But the universe is vast, intelligent, and always in motion – constantly adjusting itself to bring about the most natural and balanced outcomes over time.

And so, if the outcome of the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo surprises us, perhaps it’s not the universe that was off course – but our perception. Maybe we didn’t have all the pieces of information. Or maybe we were attached to a narrative or expectation that wasn’t truly aligned with reality.

Most likely, there will be no big surprises. Deep down, we already sensed this was coming – it was inevitable.

Eclipses – especially lunar eclipses, and even more so, South Node eclipses – are a recalibration of the karmic scales. 

A reminder that what goes around eventually comes around. Maybe in a slightly different form. Maybe in a way where causality isn’t immediately obvious.

However, in the grand scheme of things, the outcome – the resolution – is always the best way forward. Why? Because it allows us to close a chapter that belongs to the past – so we can move on to the next one.

At the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, ask yourself: What is the most natural course of action? What’s the common-sense thing to do?

And if the choice isn’t yours to make – then trust that the universe is already making it for you.

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