Now, more than ever, it is important for disabled journalists to reframe the debate and take back the narrative on authentic representation across all forms of media – including journalism. Each year, Women’s eNews teams up with The Loreen Arbus Foundation, EIN SOF Communications and Lights! Camera! Access! (LCA) to create this opportunity for two aspiring journalists who identify as female – one over 50 years old; one under 50 years old.
On Tuesday, July 16 at 1:00 pm PT/4:00 pm ET, we hope you will join us for a Women’s eNews Orientation and Application Workshop on Zoom.
Click here to Register for the Workshop
The deadline to apply to the fellowship is Friday, July 26, 2024 at 9:00 pm ET/6:00 pm PT (the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA34).
Click here to Submit Your Fellowship Application
A disability-savvy select group of judges with disabilities will review applications submitted from individuals applying for the two Fellowships. Beginning in October 2024, Women’s eNews will train the two Fellows who identify as female to research, report, edit and post their work on the Women’s eNews website. Two articles per month will be published (one from each Fellow) according to its editorial calendar that will illuminate the intersectionality of womxn and disability.
Plus…Two finalists who are not selected for the 2024-2025 Women’s eNews Fellowship will have the opportunity to intern with the LCA Marketing Team – more details to follow.
A digital compendium of the published work will be compiled, designed and distributed at the end of each year. The compilation will also be distributed to Women’s eNews subscription list of 50,000, promoted on social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and on Twitter (75,000 followers) and posted on the Women’s eNews website (reaching about 3.5 million each year).
What folks are saying…..
“Having worked under Lori Sokol, Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief of Women’s eNews Fellowship program, I gained valuable insight into covering disability content. Taking part in Women’s eNews Fellowship is highly recommended.”- Trelanda “Tree” Lowe, Editor-in-Chief LCA Newsletter and Marketing Team.
Feel free to contact us at: if you have any questions.
Write on! and thanks for your consideration.
Team Women’s eNews