Every San Francisco tourist brochure sends visitors to Fisherman’s Wharf and Chinatown. Because,yawn. Instead, try marching in the Saint Stupid’s Day Parade, or whack strangers in a giant pillow fight. So, read on for some only-in-San Francisco events, guaranteed laughs and photo-ops galore. Beware, nobody’s in charge!
Valentine’s Day Pillow Fight:
Every February 14 V.D. haters battle it out with pillows. So, safely rid yourself of aggression by whacking cheerful strangers with a pillow. The feathers fly at Embarcadero Plaza.
Brides of March:
Apparently, someone misheard the warning to Caesar, “Beware the Ides of March”. Don’t ask why, just grab your wedding dress, and head down to Union Square every Sunday closest to March 15.
Saint Stupid’s Day Parade:
This April Fools’ Day salute to silliness involves ridiculous get-ups and nonsensical signs. So, beginning at high noon, a loose band of leaderless weirdos winds through the Financial District. The parade is in honor of Saint Stupid, patron saint of Civilizations and Parking Meters. Highlights include a stop at the Stock Exchange to exchange socks. Let your freak flag fly on April 1.
Bring Your Own Big Wheel:
Forget Lombard Street, locals know Vermont Street at 20th has more twists and turns. Thrill at the sight of a football player-sized man careening downhill on some itty-bitty wheeled contraption. So, bring an actual Big Wheel toy or any vehicle that’s plastic and tiny. Because it’s fun for children big and small.
This International event summons hundreds of Santa’s and assorted elves to Union Square. The rolling party then spreads throughout the city. Brought to you be the First Church of the Last Laugh. Some Saturday in December.
VALENTINE’S DAY PILLOW FIGHT: https://m.facebook.com/pillowfightsf
BRIDES OF MARCH: https://bridesofmarch.org
ST. STUPID’S DAY PARADE: https://m.facebook.com/100063617916428
BRING YOUR OWN BIGWHEEL: https://bringyourownbigwheel.com
SANTACON: www.santacon.info
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