The news cycle is already getting to my heart. It’s not even been 24h.
It’s time to protect my mental health. First step will be to curb the information I consume and how much time I spend on Instagram, Twitter and Threads.
I *loooooove* the internet. I have made countless friends and meaningful connections here. Yet, the current version of these digital gardens is hurting my mental health.
Here is my honest attempt to curb the time I spend mindlessly scrolling and instead create new habits.
Here’s a growing list of things I’ll try to do instead:
1. Grab a book
2. Text or call a loved one
3. Pull up a random Wikipedia page
4. Listen to an audiobook
5. Read a poem
6. Play a soothing game on my phone
7. Do a brief meditation and check in with my heart
8. Pet my dog
9. Go for a brisk quick walk
10. Do 5 squats (yeah right)
11. ________