Luckiest Days in March 2025

March is a tough month in 2025. Not only will Mercury be retrograde on March 14th, but Venus will start the backwards dance through the solar system on March 1st. As if that wasn’t enough, eclipse season is upon us! If you know anything at all about eclipses, you know to expect the unexpected. The Universe is taking the reins this month, but since it’s a 12/3 month you’ll be primed to let go of the past once and for all. Let’s have a look at the luckiest days in March 2025!

March 2025 is a Global 12/3 Month

12/3 is the kind of month where you reflect on the past in order to get a better sense of what your present looks like, and what your future holds. It’s not surprising that, with all the chaos of March’s astrology, you are being guided to slow down and take stock of what has already happened. Even though 3 is an extroverted number, 12/3 is about growth through self reflection.

Mercury retrograde is always better faired when you are able to slow down, double and triple check the details, and ask for help and clarification when necessary. 12/3 asks you to loosen your grip on what you think reality is in order to readjust and get a better, clearer view.

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When Venus is retrograde you might notice issues popping up in certain relationships (romantic or platonic). When friction is apparent, try spending some time reflecting on past situations where you struggled in a similar way. There is more to learn.

The Eclipses are Coming: How to Navigate Eclipse Season Like a Pro

The Luckiest Days in March 2025 are the 7th, 16th and 28th

March 7th is a 19/1 Day

19/1 is the number of self efficacy and self knowledge. This is who we become when we’ve learned who we really are. This is a good day to start a new journey.

March 16th is a 28/1 Day

A 28/1 day is a good day to ask yourself what your big dreams and goals are. When you get more clarity around what you want, it comes to you easily on a 28/1 day. This could be as simple as manifesting a good parking spot, or as complex as asking the Universe for your dream partner.

March 28th is a 40/4 Day

40/4 days bring emotional stability. So despite all the chaotic energy around you this month, this day will bring you some respite. Focus on the foundations and help out any person who may be in need.

The Best Days for Love in March 2025 are the 3rd, 12th, 26th and 30th

March 3rd is a 15/6 Day

Mercury moves into Aries today, the sign it will be in when it stations retrograde on the 14th. Aries is sexy and so is the vibe of this day! A 15/6 day is good for sex, especially sex that leans towards the kinkier side. It’s a good day for indulgence in general, so don’t hold back!

March 12th is a 24/6 Day

24/6 is a great vibe for asking your crush out, asking someone out on a date, going on a date, or for hooking up. You’re more likely to know whether or not your crush or partner is the right one for you today, but you have to listen to your intuition.

March 26th is a 38/11 Day

Lilith moves into Scorpio on this day, adding a sexy (and maybe a little scary) vibe to your romances. Power plays come into focus today, as do their underlying causes. Is this grounds for a break up, or something to play with in the bedroom? That’s up to you to figure out.

What Your Lilith House Placement Says About You

The Luckiest Days for Money in March 2025 are the 5th and 23rd

March 5th is a 17/8 Day

8 is the number of money, and 17/8 reminds us what is really important to us. So, this is a good day to look at your recent spending habits. Cancel subscriptions that don’t add significant happiness to your life.

March 23rd is a 35/8 Day

Though this day is smack dab in the middle of Mercury and Venus retrograde, as well as eclipse season, you should feel a rush of energy on a 35/8 day. This is a great day to follow the flow and get stuff done. Do your taxes today if you haven’t yet.

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The Most Challenging Days in March 2025 are the 4th, 13th, 14th, 24th and 29th

March 4th is a 16/7 Day

16/7 days are never easy. Oftentimes, you will learn something that has a destabilizing effect on your life. Whatever you discover about yourself and your life today, just know that whatever changes take place are necessary.

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March 13th is a 25/7 Day

This is the day of the Virgo full moon lunar eclipse. Look to the house Virgo sits in in your chart to better understand what the fodder of this eclipse season will be like for you. 25/7 is a number of confidence, which means it’s very likely that you will be feeling a lack of confidence today. Explore that feeling of lack.

March 14th is a 26/8 Day

This is the day Mercury stations retrograde in Aries. Luckily, 26/8 is a very lucky number, one that breeds inspiration and optimism. Today shouldn’t be too tough for you, so long as you avoid overconfidence and blind optimism.

March 24th is a 36/9 Day

36/9 is the burnout number. These days require us to slow down and take care of our most basic bodily needs. Failure to slow your pace can result in benign sickness or an old injury flare up. Meaning that if you don’t slow down the Universe will make sure that you rest, one way or another.

March 29th is a 41/5 Day

This is the day of the Aries new moon solar eclipse. Solar eclipses are the ones that tend to take place in your outer world, meaning that the effects of it can be witnessed (unlike the lunar eclipse which takes place in your mental, emotional and spiritual worlds). 41/5 is about going with the flow, so do your best to not fight what is happening. Instead, lean all the way in.

Ready for the luckiest days in March 2025?

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