And actor Samuel L. Jackson as uncle Sam? A brilliant stroke (and an allusion to the role of the actor in Spike Lees Chi-Raq). The historically white symbol of America, which has now been played by one of the most unapologed black actors, was well played and a brilliant reversal of power. The pun is flawless, but it faces the debate whether Jackson actually represents a game judge Uncle Tom: a colloquial slur that is used to insult black men to white society. During the entire performance, they criticized and run the lamar with a cheerful, black, minnesous, show-like behavior because it is “too loud, too ruthless, to ghetto”. Lamar and his “homeboys” are indeed so disturbing in Uncle Sam’s eyes that Lamar loses a center of life. In this game, Lamar gets a second chance, a luxury that is rarely granted black Americans in real life.