After the sudden death of her mother in 2021, the serial entrepreneur Katleho Tsoku wondered whether she would ever know joy in her life again. After my father’s death and brother, it was my mother and I was just years ago – and of course our extended family. “When I thought about my own life, I remembered how to bring people together and the creation of experiences a large part of what made my life beautiful,” says Katleho, who previously had a restaurant. The answer that became apparent in these moments of reflection was that the detour is one of a few species that help to find the purpose and joy. And so the idea of the host was born.
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Pick up the pieces
When I started examining how I could bring it to life, I discovered a term called The Joycononomy. It is a concept of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence. “Joyconomy uses the power of joy to connect. It is a reaction to the deliberate gravity of people in the face of persistent difficulties worldwide, especially after Covid-19 pandemic. This was an aha moment for me, because my longing for joy was not only personal, there was a widespread longing for joy and connection. “
When I continued to investigate my research, especially how hosted women were able to serve, I encountered astonishing research on the extensive gap between black women.
“Women have difficulty self -care against compensation against meet the needs of their families. For black women, however, it often happens that juggling these competing needs against the background between cross -generational trauma and the oppression of emotions. In the black community, women have perfected obsessive selflessness of an art form. We are exhausted, emotionally exhausted – and in many cases unhealthy – because we are conditioned to meet the needs of others and show superhuman strength – to our own disadvantage. “(CNN)
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The joyconomy
So what started as a really personal project develops into a product that develops women through the lens of hosting and gathering in promoting joy, beauty and community in promoting joy, beauty and community. And we do this by increasing the meeting practice by providing a curated ecosystem of inspiration, high-quality products (women’s ownership) and enriching experiences with which the hosting enthusiasts can create unforgettable and beautiful meetings.
Simply expressed, Joyconomy refers to the idea of finding joy and beauty after loss, ie the creation of beauty from “ruins”.
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Through hosting and assembly as a form of essential self -care, especially for women. New studies that show that one of the reasons why women live longer is the assembly and the community that they build with other women. I think I’ll leave it with it for the time being and let them marinate a little. I am happy to have a call and continue chatting. They had asked if I would be ready for an interview next week, depending on what they would need, I can definitely do it!