Hello friends! Goodness, it sure has been a long time, hasn’t it. Between the pandemic, parenting, and burnout from all those sponsored posts last year, I forgot how to show up here. But after a little break, and the blessed addition of a regular babysitter, I’m finding myself itching to reclaim my identity and role as a canning blogger/writer/teacher. I knew it was time to get back to work when I started composing blog posts and recipe headnotes in my dreams.
Part of my motivation in returning to this space is that I’m seeing a big uptick in people looking to learn how to can. And I get that. Food prices are out of control and the state of the world feels precarious. Folks often turn to food preservation as a way of managing costs and creating a sense of security when things are desperately uncertain. I want to be here as a resource to help people can safely and deliciously.
I’m also getting my (entirely free!) newsletter going again. It will go out on a monthly basis with reminders of seasonal recipes from the archives, as well as new-to-you bonus recipes. The first one goes out this Wednesday, so if make sure to subscribe if you want my small batch recipe for Peach Rosemary Jam.