Crest syndrome – 5 areas attacked

If five specific diseases could show symptoms on different body systems, the pending diagnosis could be the CREST syndrome. These five areas include skin, hands, feet, connective tissue of the inner organs and the esophagus. Crest is an acronym: Calcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, dysfunction, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia. Other names for describing this disease are limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis or limited scleroderma.

C – Calcinosis: Calcium deposits can be seen on the skin shape.

R – Raynaud’s phenomenon: The hands and feet react unusual when it is cold and when fear occurs. Fingers and toes become blue because the blood vessels narrow.

E – esophageal dythe Motility: Food muscles in the esophagus do not move normally and do not work.

S – sclerodaktylie: The skin can get thick and tight on the hands, since there are additional collagen deposits.

T – Teleangiektasie: Red spots that are very tiny can be seen on the face and hands because blood vessels are expanded in these areas.

The symptoms that occur from the affected areas can include some or all following influences: heartburn, persistent cough, joint pain, tiredness, itchy skin, swallowing, skin hardening, dry skin, hair loss, bloating, ulcers for skin, decolorization of skin, neuropathies, fecal control and or or or or or or or or or or or joke.

Women and African Americans are most affected by coat of arms. There may be autoimmune and/or genetic factors that increase the risk of a coat of arms. Other triggers or environmental factors can include silica dust exposure, tobacco/drug use, some medication, parvovirus, cytomegalovirus, epstein-barrel virus and/or exposure solutions and other chemicals.

Signs for the diagnosis and what a medical specialist can search could tighten the skin around the mouth, white bumps on the skin, swollen or swollen fingers and/or fingertips on the fingertips. Additional laboratories and imaging can also be carried out. There is no precise healing for Crest. Natural remedies and changes to lifestyle can help. Eating food with high omega -3 -fatty acids, movement, turmeric, ginger, mindfulness, relaxation, moisture moisture, apple cider vinegar and baking powder and regular bathrooms with salt and vinegar can be installed to alleviate the symptoms and detoxify the body.

The body conveys pain/complaints to signal that something does not work/work normally in the body. Understanding the causality, especially in autoimmune diseases, can initially be frustrating and mysterious. Using and finding solutions to keep the quality of life as well as possible is essential. Crest may not have precise treatment, but it cannot be ignored either. A healthy lifestyle are always an advantage, and we have to consider that our body takes care of us when we take care of it.

Crest syndrome, a case report – Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Crest syndrome | Postgraduate Medical Journal | Oxford Academic

Crest syndrome in systemic sclerosis patients – is dystrophic calcinosis a key element for a positive diagnosis? – PMC

Extensive calcinosis cutis in limited skin -scleroderma | The Journal of Rheumatology

Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough has a fitness studio in Oceanide Ca called Fit of every body. She received her doctorate in health and human performance, MA in Physical Education & Health Science, and is a NASM master and trainer. She is also a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, wellness coach and Afaa Group training Instructor. She also has 6 books on Amazon.