The Grand Cross of Houses In Astrology?
These Houses are connected in your life. Example: 1st House is connected to the 4th House is connected to the 7th House is connected to the 10th House is connected to the 1st House. Everything you do in any of these Houses are reflected in the other 3 Houses. All the other Houses have the same connection. For all you non-believers here we go.
1st House of Self-You decide to do something dumb like ending your marriage because you think you have found something better. It resonates in all the other three Houses. This can be done without any Planets in any of the Houses. Read the chart Blank and it will shock you! You can do an entire reading using a Blank Chart with their own Ascendant. (See Chart Below)
4th House of Home-Due to your decision of ending your marriage, your home life falls apart. The Cusp Ruler gives you a lot of info. You or your ex-spouse has to move. Now, this is the Square House to the 1st, this means that it will be troublesome to find an acceptable place to live for either one of you. If you have family members, it is even more complicated. (See Chart Below)
7th House of Partners-Your relationships make a big change in your life. The Cusp Ruler will tell you a lot about these people. People you thought were close friends now do not want to associate with you, they chose your Ex-Partner to be their close friend. You generally are forced to find new people who could become close friends again. 7th House rules the Close Friends or Associates. 11th House rules Acquaintances. (See Chart Below)
10th House of Reputation-Everyone thinks you are dumb for ending the relationship. It depends whether they are for you or your ex-partner. The Cusp Ruler says it all. Now, you have rebuild your 10th of Reputation all over again. It will take time because of all three of the other houses affecting this house. You own family will either approve or disapprove your separation or divorce. You are physically affected by this event either emotionally or mentally feeling the loss. The trauma of the event (4th House) affects your job, physical body and how close friends see you now. (See Chart Below)
Blank Astrology Chart
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