Have you ever noticed how you attract people like a flame? You might have a magnetism that attracts others. Or, a deep calm that comes from within. Many spiritual traditions call this force the ‘aura.’ It is an invisible electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body. Auras reflect our emotional, mental, and physical states. Those who are centered, grounded, and spiritually attuned connect to a strong aura. If you’ve ever wondered whether you have a strong aura, here are five telltale signs to look out for.
1. People Are Drawn to You
Do you ever notice that people seem to really enjoy being around you? They may feel comfortable opening up to you or seek your company, even if they don’t know you well. This is a potential sign that you have a strong and positive aura and that your energy is simply magnetic.
Many believe that a strong aura makes one very charismatic and magnetic. They tend to attract others to them without even really trying. They just have this force that people can’t get enough of.
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Do your friends spill their deepest and darkest secrets to you? Do strangers feel compelled to strike up conversations with you, even in passing? This might show that you have that “it” factor or je nais sais quoi.
You intrigue people, sometimes without even saying a word. Your intense energy may scare some people off. But, those who stay will feel a deep connection and comfort in your presence.
2. Your Energy is Calming and Soothing
Others may describe you as having a very calming, soothing presence. It might be your positive outlook, even in tough times. You might be able to diffuse tense situations just by being yourself.
You may find that people relax around you. Your presence seems to calm them. It is also possible that you tend to see the good in people and in situations.
People with a strong aura tend to radiate a sense of inner peace and harmony. They are naturally optimistic and easily see the silver lining in any situation.
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If people often say they feel relaxed in your company, it might mean your aura is very strong and vibrant. Some may seek you out when anxious or stressed. They find your presence grounding and centering.
3. Empathy and Compassion Radiates From You
Do you find yourself constantly attuned to the emotional states of those around you? Are you able to empathize with others and feel their pain? Do you have a strong sense of compassion for those who are suffering? People with strong auras tend to be highly intuitive and emotionally sensitive.
Your ability to sense subtle cues may cause this empathy. You are highly sensitive to the emotions of those around you, almost as if you can feel them as your own.
This emotional attunement is a gift, but it can also be draining if you don’t learn to set healthy boundaries. Sensitive energy can be draining. So, it’s vital to learn to shield and protect yourself.
Those with powerful auras often absorb others’ emotions without realizing it. If you find yourself constantly worrying about or getting caught up in the problems of your loved ones, it could be a sign that your aura is exceptionally radiant and influential.
4. You Have Psychic Abilities or Intuitive Gifts
Those with strong auras often report heightened intuition or psychic abilities. Do you know things without knowing how you know them? Do you have a strong sense of intuition?
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Are you able to see beyond the surface and understand the deeper meaning of things? All of this could indicate that you have a strong aura. Those with this potent energy field are often highly intuitive and insightful. They just know things and are able to pick up on subtle cues and understand things that others may miss.
This psychic awareness is thought to be a byproduct of a strong aura. A vibrant, healthy aura is said to expand your awareness beyond your physical senses.
People with strong auras may have premonitions or telepathy. They may sense what is really happening beneath the surface.
You are Resilient and Adaptable
Often, people with strong auras have had to go through many challenges in life. And because of these experiences, they have become highly resilient and adaptable. Are you able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges?
Do you have an innate ability to handle stress and difficulty with grace and equanimity? Are you able to adapt to change easily? Individuals with strong auras are able to maintain their centre even in the midst of chaos.
Their grounding, focus, and centering allow them to weather any storm. When everything around them is falling apart, they are able to stay calm, cool and collected. They know that they have overcome challenges before and believe they can do it again.
A Final Word
A strong aura is not just about having some kind of spiritual “glow” about you. It’s about being a whole, healthy, centred individual who is highly attuned to the energetic vibrations around them.
If you resonate with the signs above, it’s quite possible that you have a powerful aura. Embrace this gift and use it to uplift and inspire those around you. You can be your best self and radiate that energy outwards to create positive change in the world.