2023 Video by woman who complains about passengers

Neu -Delhi, February 24 (Kaushiki Goel / Pratyush Ranjan, PTI factual examination): Several social media users recently shared a video of a woman who raises concerns about passenger safety on the trains. She claimed as she traveled from Jaipur to Sri Ganganagar, some people caused disorders and poorly behaved under the influence of alcohol.

She claimed as she traveled from Jaipur to Sri Ganganagar, some people caused disorders and poorly behaved under the influence of alcohol.

However, an examination of the PTI facts -Check -Deskes showed that the incident has not taken place recently. The viral video dates from 2023, and the accused passengers were arrested after the incident was reported.


On February 22, a Facebook user shared a video of a woman who raises questions about the safety of passengers on trains and claimed that some people caused problems after drank alcohol on the train.

The woman in the second video of 1:47 says: “It is 1:00 a.m. and I travel from Jaipur to Sri Ganganagar in second class AC. Three people sitting in the next subject drink alcohol and abused. I tried to warn her, but nothing changed … which is surprising that there is no single police officer on the train … ‘

Here is that link And Archive connection You will find a screenshot for the video and below.


The desk carried out the viral video via the InvID tool and extracted several keyframes. After executing one of the keyframes via Google Lens, the desk found several other users who share the same video with similar requirements. Two such contributions can be displayed Here And Hereand his archived version can be seen Here And Here.

After executing one of the keyframes via Google Lens, the desk found several other users who share the same video with similar requirements.

After the further scanning of the search results, the desk came up on November 20, 2023 to the viral video uploaded by Gayatri Bishnoi, which was uploaded by Gayatri Bishnoi, President of the AAP Rajasthan State Women.

The heading of the contribution. When I tried to complain, I found that not a single RPF / JRPF was used in the entire train. When my TT complained, the police came after 1 hour. In the meantime, the malfunculusers threatened me again and again. With the help of passengers, I was determined in the whole matter until the police came. But if an accident had happened in this 1 hour, who would have been responsible for it? ‘

Here is that link To the post and below you will find a screenshot.

We scanned the post and found a comment on North Western Railway’s video on November 1, 2023. The comment said: ‘On November 20, 2023, information about some people was received Shri Ganganagar Express. After reaching the next station, Resub Degana took part in the complaint, immediately took measures, excited 03 people who made disturbing in this trainer and initiated legal steps. ‘

Here is that link You will find a screenshot for the comment and below.

When we further analyzed the X -Grain from Gayatri Bishnoi, we found another X contribution of November 20, 2023, on which she announced a photo on which the measures taken by RPF were mentioned in relation to the entire incident.

Here is that link To the post and below you will find a screenshot.

In addition, the desk carried out an adapted keyword search on Google to find relevant media reports and came across a report by Times of India of November 21, 2023, the heading of which was: “3 for drinking on the train after the tweet des AAP leaders kept. ”

In a section of the report said: “Three train passengers were arrested on Monday in the Nagaur district because he supposedly consumed alcohol and had behaved badly in the passengers after a leader of the AAM AADMI party (AAP) was twice on the train. “

In a section of the report said: “Three train passengers were arrested on Monday in the Nagaur district because he supposedly consumed alcohol and had behaved badly in the passengers after a leader of the AAM AADMI party (AAP) was twice on the train. “

Here is that link To the report.

Then the desk came to the conclusion that the viral video was not new, but dates from 2023.


A current video of a woman who complains about passengers who molested them on the train after alcohol.


The viral video is not up to date, but it dates from 2023 when the passengers were arrested after the incident was reported.


A video of a woman who raises questions about the security of passengers on trains was recently shared on social media and claims that some people caused problems after drinking alcohol. In its investigation, the desk found that the viral video recently showed an event, but everything dates from 2023. The passengers were arrested after the AAP leader reported the incident.


You can contact the PTI facts check of the WhatsApp number +91-8130503759 and all the requirements or social media posts that you consider important for the fact check for checking essential importance and want this that we want this check.

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This story was originally published by Pti News And published by feminism in India as part of the Shakti collective.