11 Dermatologists on the Supplements They Take for Their Own Skin and Hair

If you’ve stepped into a beauty retailer lately and had to double-check that you hadn’t wandered into a GNC by mistake, you’d be forgiven for the confusion. The rows of pills, powders, and potions that dominate the beauty aisles can now rival the assortment found at health and nutrition shops.

The popularity of supplements has exploded in the past five years, with revenue reaching $41.2 billion in 2024. Sales are only expected to climb, with estimates of over $70 billion by 2031. And amidst a deluge of Google searches for sleep aids and hormone support, there’s also a significant increase in year-over-year searches for supplements around hair loss, mature skin, crepey skin, and brittle nails.

Those searches may result in more “serious” options than just the influencer-peddled gummy bears that claim to give you Rapunzel-length hair through a dubious blend of pseudo-science and cotton candy-colored wishes. But no corner of the supplement market is subject to regulation—even the “serious” ones. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which must be tested and approved by the FDA before they go to market, “there are no provisions for FDA approval of dietary supplements for efficacy and safety before they reach the consumer,” says Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in Santa Monica. “There are often grossly exaggerated promises that popping a supplement has benefits beyond basic health and system support.”

Understandably, many dermatologists are skeptical of recommending supplements to their patients. “I try to talk to my patients about healthful overall routines that include things like staying hydrated, using broad spectrum SPF sunscreen daily, keeping your skin well moisturized, trying to eat a diet that’s rich in antioxidants,” says Elizabeth Hale, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City. Adds Dr. Shamban, “Supplements are best for those with deficiencies—patients who eat a less-than-ideal diet including too many processed foods or those who don’t shop the perimeter of the grocery store and are getting less than the necessary servings of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. And, nothing can replace visiting your board-certified medical professional when you have an issue with skin, nails, or hair for evaluation, assessment, and treatment plan.”

So are dermatologists themselves eschewing this entire category in their own hair, skin, and nail routines? Well, not necessarily. We asked 11 of them, all board-certified doctors with many years of experience, if they pop any of these pills (or gummies or tinctures) themselves. The answer in most cases was yes. Keep reading to find out what these experts are swallowing and why. (None of these doctors have had a financial relationship with any of these companies, except in the two instances noted.)

Naana Boakye, MD, MPH, FAAD, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Supplement Regimen: Nutrafol, Heliocare Advanced, Metagenics OmegaGenics Fish Oil EPA-DHA, Pure Encapsulations Vitamin D3 & K2; $2,524.08 a year ($2,200.18 with subscriptions)

“I take Nutrafol, omega-3 fatty acids, Heliocare Advanced, pumpkin seed oil capsules, and vitamins D3 & K2. Nutrafol targets key causes of hair thinning, such as stress, hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation. I first encountered it through clinical studies presented at dermatology conferences and recommendations from peers in the field. I’ve been recommending it for many years and, for patient convenience, now carry it in my practice. While I’ve only started Nutrafol myself recently, my patients frequently report improved hair thickness and reduced shedding after consistent use. And multiple clinical studies validate Nutrafol’s claims, like a 2018 study in The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology that demonstrated significant improvements in hair growth and thickness in women after six months of use.

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